View Full Version : The 2014/15 Hobby Season starts soon, join me!

08-26-2014, 05:40 AM
For the last few years on the 28th August I've been stating my goals for the following 12 month 'hobby season' on my blog. It's always been a rough guide, something to keep me on track but not something that I would be a slave to should the muse come from another direction.

Anyway, this year I decided to invite others from the blogging community to join me on the 28th with their own to do list for the 2014/15 hobby season. And very time you complete something on [or off] your list you get a red stamp of approval. It's all about keeping motivated and staving off the hobby blues and lack of mojo. If you're interested there's more info here:


with a choice of red stamps to use on your own blog when you get something done. Hope anyone with a blog will join in.