View Full Version : Deathwing army help.

08-25-2014, 06:17 PM
So my obsession with terminators has officially taken over and I have decided to build a deathwing force. Without sitting down to math hammer out the points cost I'm trying to get a feel for the army list first. Obviously all models need to be terminator armor.

Terminator librarian
Terminator chaplain
2 terminator squads: power sword, cyclone ml, th/ss.
2 terminator squads: th/ss, assault cannon, chainfist.
5 man knights squad.
1 command squad: plasma cannon, chainfist, champ, apothecary, banner.
1 venerable dread: plasma cannon, drop pod.

Obviously I will have a force over 2000 points. I'm looking for feedback on if this will give me a good mix of things to work with. My plan is to kill the shooty ones, and shoot the killy ones. So if my opponent can out range me I can turn one drop in his face.