View Full Version : Real Long haired human heads

Rough Touch
08-24-2014, 03:20 AM
Im looking for long haired human heads....no one does them! GW only have the Space wolves "pumpkin hair" what really does not suit the feral looks of space wolves ( even though almost every one of special characters has long free hair so I know it can be done) and the rest of them are silly hair or bald. I thought there MUST be some barbarian heads or Viking heads without helmets out there somewhere....but no one anywhere does human heads with long hair (Want im calling Conan Style now) are they just really hard to make or something? why does no one do any
the closest I have got is Flagellant Warband heads who have 1 or 2 but they have no eyes!!!! grrrrrr

08-24-2014, 03:40 AM
I actually questioned Jes Goodwin about his top-knot fetish at games day and he said that a) he thinks they're cool and feral looking, and b) it's because it's not only more fragile and harder to create but it most importantly restricts the poseability of the particular noggin - the Dark Eldar Wych Succubus head has a long ponytail so the directions she can be made to look are narrower for example.

08-24-2014, 03:49 AM
I actually questioned Jes Goodwin about his top-knot fetish at games day and he said that a) he thinks they're cool and feral looking, and b) it's because it's not only more fragile and harder to create but it most importantly restricts the poseability of the particular noggin - the Dark Eldar Wych Succubus head has a long ponytail so the directions she can be made to look are narrower for example.

Thats probably because they never do a reality check on their models. While some of their armor designs could be working others are obviously just making movement stuck despite beeing "light armor".
Not to speak of Helmet designs where you just have to shoot at the farsses helmcrest to snap her neck...

Also long Hair would cause issues with fully sealed helmets anyways. Never understood the SW tbh. I have long Hair myself and I cant imagine putting on a sealed helmet without having to restrain my hair first....

08-24-2014, 05:34 AM
Thats probably because they never do a reality check on their models.

I'm not sure that has to do with anything I said?

I mean like this figure:


She's got long hair and that means that despite the neck joint allowing for a theoretical high range of movement she doesn't have it. For instance same construction but with short hair can get this head pose:


Which would be impossible with long hair. Taking that to, say, space marines and it would mean that having a head mould like beardo the amazing here:

http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_Z472mqw2unY/TOTdfWG-pdI/AAAAAAAABZE/ZzCQjB4zo4U/s1600/m500484a_99110101430_SpaceWolvesCanisMain_445x319. jpg

It would only fit facing that direction and may well even be incompatible with certain torso pieces. Similarly a character with long flowing locks like Fabio (the most beautiful man in the cosmos, including the black holes) or the Mugester, as shown above, would be stuck in a single or very limited range of movements and on certain torsos would have gaps or ill fitting sections.

08-24-2014, 06:41 AM
As others have mentioned, having long hair stops the head from being swappable, so it's something normally found only on one-pose models like characters. Have you tried sculpting hair yourself? Since it's organic it's fairly forgiving and it's a lot easier to find a bare or short-haired head to add on to.

Rory Wildwards
08-24-2014, 09:31 AM
Im looking for long haired human heads....no one does them! GW only have the Space wolves "pumpkin hair" what really does not suit the feral looks of space wolves ( even though almost every one of special characters has long free hair so I know it can be done) and the rest of them are silly hair or bald. I thought there MUST be some barbarian heads or Viking heads without helmets out there somewhere....but no one anywhere does human heads with long hair (Want im calling Conan Style now) are they just really hard to make or something? why does no one do any try
the closest I have got is Flagellant Warband heads who have 1 or 2 but they have no eyes!!!! grrrrrr

Maxmini or kromlech do some good stuff. Dunno if that's what your after. That's a pic of a wolven I built (pre base paint) I did finish painting it but no finished pics yet.

Rough Touch
08-24-2014, 12:39 PM
As others have mentioned, having long hair stops the head from being swappable, so it's something normally found only on one-pose models like characters. Have you tried sculpting hair yourself? Since it's organic it's fairly forgiving and it's a lot easier to find a bare or short-haired head to add on to.

I have thought about this but im not sure I can do such a focal point such as a face justice with green stuff, it might have to be the way I go.

- - - Updated - - -


Maxmini or kromlech do some good stuff. Dunno if that's what your after. That's a pic of a wolven I built (pre base paint) I did finish painting it but no finished pics yet.
this is a great model, but I don't want wolfmen just hairy men

08-24-2014, 06:12 PM
The BA Azeroth has Long hair,as does Mephiston. Thus my conversion using them,but neither would be a easy head remove

08-24-2014, 06:44 PM
The BA Azeroth has Long hair,as does Mephiston. Thus my conversion using them,but neither would be a easy head remove

There is a shop in Cardiff I pass from the train station on my travels that advertises "Plastic models,realistic hair" It is not GW though. Think i should pop in and ask to see theanswer?

08-24-2014, 08:58 PM
My suggestion would to get good with green stuff. I've used it a few times to good effect. Also, you can modify the Blood Angels long hair to look cool and less like they're in the Beatles. I've done it on a guy in the Crimsons Sabres Tac squad in my log.

Rough Touch
08-25-2014, 02:55 AM
There is a shop in Cardiff I pass from the train station on my travels that advertises "Plastic models,realistic hair" It is not GW though. Think i should pop in and ask to see theanswer?

DO you have a website for this Magical shop?

08-25-2014, 06:32 AM
Here are a few GS hair tutorials I have found.

http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?205040-Hair-Tutorial (http://forums.relicnews.com/showthread.php?205040-Hair-Tutorial)


A more general guide but towards the end there is a section on hair.


Veteran Sergeant
08-25-2014, 08:47 AM
Also long Hair would cause issues with fully sealed helmets anyways. Never understood the SW tbh. I have long Hair myself and I cant imagine putting on a sealed helmet without having to restrain my hair first....
EVerything about the Space Wolves is... special. I used to think about the long hair and the complete inability to fight in a vacuum or hostile environment.

Now that's a relatively minor concern next to wolf cavalry, wolf-drawn chariots, and flying clown shoes.

Rough Touch
08-26-2014, 12:53 PM
EVerything about the Space Wolves is... special. I used to think about the long hair and the complete inability to fight in a vacuum or hostile environment.

Now that's a relatively minor concern next to wolf cavalry, wolf-drawn chariots, and flying clown shoes.

I wonder why the Space Marines need power armour and back pack to survive then the sergeant just takes he's helmet off in a hostile environment, not instantly getting shot in the head or killed by poison warp fumes, But your right now they are wareing power armour and backpack then riding a completely unprotected wolf....................But this is all nothing compared to how Dark Angels. Berserkers Nightlords etc can have MASSIVE wings etc on the helments and not break the neck on even look up!

08-27-2014, 07:59 PM
Well, if you keep looking for logic in a game where people get in mile-long spaceships to travel for hundreds of years to fight on alien planets with axes and swords, I just don't know how much fun you're going to have.

Rough Touch
08-28-2014, 01:09 AM
Well, if you keep looking for logic in a game where people get in mile-long spaceships to travel for hundreds of years to fight on alien planets with axes and swords, I just don't know how much fun you're going to have.

sort of the point I was making, if you start pulling it apart the whole thing comes undone, and your ruined the thing you was enjoying it the 1st place