View Full Version : Goofy 1500 Chaos Space Marines list

08-23-2014, 08:01 PM
OK, first off, yes, this list is rather goofy/gimmicky, but I've been trying to see if a decent CSM list could be made WITHOUT 3 DP's flying around. This idea seemed so crazy that it just might work, but I've never played with or against anything like it and am wondering if y'all have had enough experiences playing with/against something similar to be comfortable predicting how it would generally perform. Will test it myself, but I can only get so many games in in any period of time...

1500 points (because that's what my friends and I usually play):

Primary - CAD:
Be'lakor (warlord)
2x Chaos Cultists - no additional options
2x Chaos Land Raiders - no additional options

Formation - Helfist Murderpack:
2x Helbrutes w/ Powerfist & TL Lascannon
2x Helbrutes w/ Powerfist & Reaper Autocannon
1x Helbrute w/ Thunderhammer & TL Lascannon (pack leader)


Put the chaos cultists in the Land Raiders and hold objectives
Keep all units close enough so Be'lakor can be counter-assault support for any unit within 2 turns, if not 1
Attempt to cast Invisibility on Helbrutes every turn or at least give them shrouding (since they are a squad they can be affected together)
If Helbrutes take a hit, choose the Crazed result that lets them shoot their weapons twice next turn (benefit of the formation)
If anything gets close, stomp it with either all those Str 10 attacks from the Helbrutes OR send Be'lakor at it
Hold firing line by default; walk line over to objectives or major threats if necessary (to pulverize it with str 10 in melee)
Flyers should have a hard time against Invisibility/AV14 and should go down easy to so much TL Lascannon fire


Only 3 targets/turn
Need to get Invisibility off every turn
Can't spread out too much
Unsure how much anti-vehicle firepower other factions - Tau, for example, I don't play against often - can put out at 1,500 points
Susceptible to alpha strikes w/ deep-striking meltas

08-23-2014, 11:49 PM
Sounds like someone watched MiniWargaming recently. ;)

Seems like a fun list. You're likely to find that a lot of it is glass if your Invisibility doesn't get off. If you are facing mech-heavy SM, IG, Tau, or even Dark Eldar, then you're likely to be facing some serious problems. I'd advise keeping Be'Lakor flying at all times.

08-24-2014, 12:03 AM
Sounds like someone watched MiniWargaming recently. ;)

Actually I didn't! Which video of theirs should I be looking for? Couldn't find anything on YouTube with the obvious search terms.

08-24-2014, 12:30 AM
This one. (http://youtu.be/ixShkcDC12A?list=UU2mQ7x6K74NBfmxBoMwZCnw)

They talk about using Be'Lakor and what combos you could take. Your list is almost word for word one that they come up with.

08-24-2014, 12:45 AM
Your list is almost word for word one that they come up with.

Guess it wasn't as crazy as I thought it was...