View Full Version : Exodite Orb Of Twilight WIP

Night System
01-26-2010, 01:45 PM
Orb Of Twilight
Exodite Techonology is barely understood by the imperium, unlike Eldar and Dark Eldar, whose incursions into human space on a much more regular basis, the higher contact leads to a better understanding of the weapons used.
The Eldar who lead the Exodite path however, are rarely fought on the field of war, with only the webway as there main use for transportation, they are unable to attack and pillage like other fractions of there race, and as such contact is limited to worlds with the prescence of a webway gate, and siege of the Exodites worlds.
When called to war, imperial scholars have noted my similarities with the weapons brought to bear, Shuriken Weapons form the mainstay of the Exodite armoury much like there craftworld cousins, but this is not were there true strength lies.
Under the most dire of situations, These 'Feral' eldar employ the most fearsome of technology. A group of Eldar visionaries gather, and pooling there psychic might together, remove a part of the warp and bring it forth into the materium. Trapping this energy pool into a mighty orb of unknown material. The unstable phenomenon does not last and eventually disapates, But by controlling the orb and unleashing the witheld energy at precise moments, the controlling visionary can unleash terrible hell upon the enemy.
Such power does not come at a price however, activating a Orb of Twilight takes a collosal amount of energy to prepare, and many eldar minds are crushed by the psychic shockwave of trapping even the tiniest section of the warp.
The Eldar of the craftworld are loath to use such technology, finding it abhorant in its design. But of the Exodites they deem it a nessercery evil, with the benefits far outweighing the cons.

Hello :)
I have finished my Diorama Project (links available here at BoLS if you search hard enough) and so its time to move on to the next one.
Stolen shamelessly from this..

The basic premise?
Take really 'UGE' (yes that is a word) dinosaur
Add a Howdah
Add a Plasma Ball
Add a Few Dire Avengers
Kick butt in apocalypse?

So far in my project, i have managed the seperate the plasma ball from the battery powered circuit, This will all be mounted on the howdah and be suitably concealed. Oh and iv managed to electricute myself, that hurt quite a bit.
Thats all for now, I leave you with eye candy as i set to work putting together the howdah.



Night System
01-29-2010, 01:04 PM

I have built main frame for the howdah, and done a bit of re-wiring.
As it stands, it is all glued down, except the howdah to the sauropod, which has been magnetised so that it can be removed. And except the plasma ball itself, which until it is painted will not be glued.

Other than that there is not much to say, Some Eldar warriors are being converted to stand on top and look cool, and im working on a senic base.


01-29-2010, 01:20 PM
This is gonna be cool. REALLY cool.

Night System
02-07-2010, 04:47 PM
Finished :)

Pictures speak a thousand words, so ill post them then do a run down.


Night System
02-07-2010, 04:50 PM
And here is the best bit.


So finished, my most complicated scratch build so far =]
Must say, its been fun, and i definelty want to make another one or two.

It is all finished, apart from the odd touch up, and im definetely thinking of free handing some symbols on the howdah and canopy.

Though, that does require learning to free hand first =]

Comments and Criticisms welcome =]

02-07-2010, 07:18 PM
For an Eldar structure it's very stripped down, I know it's exodites, but some more decoration could have found their way in.

Seeing the metal plaque is a bit of a turn down, covering it should be a priority if you ever touch up the sculpt.

Some tribal runes tattoed on the side of the creature might also make it look a little more busy.

It's surely an unique experiment.

Lord Inquisitor
02-07-2010, 10:32 PM
How could you shoot at a dinosaur with that face? Really awesome.

02-07-2010, 11:27 PM
So what does it do in game terms? Love the conversion btw :D

Night System
02-18-2010, 06:11 AM
Game rules, i can use it as an engine of vaul, use the BOLS Dominatrix rules. but with my friends we have worked out some decent custom rules.

I took the advice of madness and added decorations, before this project i have done absolutely no free hand, so it is a bit *primative* for now.
I also added stones on the metal plate around the orb, the idea they will glow with the power of the orb, but again, largely decoration.

I also added more rocks/trees/foiliage to the base.

Night System
02-18-2010, 06:12 AM

02-18-2010, 06:19 AM
Looking pretty cool... we should get a game planned so I can kill it :)

Night System
02-18-2010, 06:23 AM
woah, fast reply :)
and yes game sounds cool, tho i need to finish my converted 10-man seer council first to sit on top =D