View Full Version : Eldar Tactic : Illic Nightspear Alpha Strike. I.N.A.S

08-22-2014, 04:51 AM
Hello Bols, Been a while since I posted anything.

Watching a lot of fritz recently on you tube, he's inspired me to consider fire magnet tactics.
For those of you who don't know a fire magnet is; its a model that diverts enemy attention and fire power buying time to other allied units.

Wondered if I could share a tactic concerning Illic Nightspear.
Upon noticing his special rule of being able to start anywhere on the board,
I considered how effective 10 Wraithguard with D-Scythes would be first turn.

Two Scenarios Occur.

Now Assuming you deploy first you can place Illic Nightspear dead centre of your enemies deployment zone.
This causes two separate problems for your opponent, he has an immediate threat to deal with and he has to keep his deployment squashed and castled in a corner. Furthermore the immediate threat acts as a fire magnet to providing time for other more squashy Eldar units to do their job.

Or Assuming now you go second you surround an enemy unit with D-Scythes, Attempt to seize the initiative, if not weather first turn fire power once again being a immediate threat and fire magnet advantages, if you seize it. Enjoy the enemy turn into fried chicken.

To further increase odds of survival perhaps attaching a Farseer with telepathy and invisibility would increase its survival.

What do you think?

08-22-2014, 07:37 AM
If you seize, the Wraithguard could be devastating. if you do not though, you just wasted a WHOLE lot of points.

08-22-2014, 08:55 AM
Five D-Scythes in a Wave Serpent with Illic would probably be scarier (and slightly cheaper than 10). That way you have some leeway as far as placement goes (because the Serpent gives them effectively a 12" movement threat range), the Serpent will be fine unless you start it next to an MC or heavy weapons squad or tank, and you can zip it out of range after they're off-loaded to plink away at your priority targets while providing mobile cover for Illic for the rest of the game. Plus, if you're also running a spiritseer (and with 10+ wraithguard, why you wouldn't I have no idea), the Serpent is a troop choice and gets objective secured. Since it's turn 1, they can't charge you (negating the threat of grenade-tossing troops), unless you went first, in which case you'd get to offload the Scytheguard anyway and they're probably more concerned with them.

It's not a bad idea in theory though. Definitely could be funny. Keep some Pathfinders in reserve so that Illic can join up with some meat shie-er, friends on turn 2, and use the Wave Serpent to protect one of their flanks.

If you're going to do that, though.. might want to also consider Striking Scorpions with a Claw Exarch (Crushing Blow and Monster Hunter is a fantastic combination for a dude who's basically got a Power Fist but goes on regular initiative). Since you'd already have a bullet magnet upfield, they'd be less likely to get shot on turn 1, and they'd help provide support if your opponent rushes your Serpent. Salt with Dark Reapers to taste. The idea would be a combination of Infiltration and really long range firepower that can touch your opponent on turn one, maybe with a second squad of 5 Wraithcannon Guard in a Serpent to take out Land Raiders and whatnot. Alternately, 10 Fire Dragons.

08-22-2014, 09:32 AM
Upon noticing his special rule of being able to start anywhere on the board,
I considered how effective 10 Wraithguard with D-Scythes would be first turn.

Does not work. Wraithguard cannot infiltrate.
The rules for attatching characters state clearly that you attatch them by placing them in unit coherency. By the time you are allowed to place Illic, the wraithguard already has been deployed.

08-22-2014, 10:00 AM
Thankyou firstly for replies,

I agree, perhaps investing such number of wraithguard into a suicide unit is excessive.
Considering wave serpents are powerhouses perhaps its a wise idea to use them.
However, in the event of it exploding my units cannot do anything.
Do I risk immobility with the reward of not being shot?

Perhaps utilizing wave serpents would be wiser,Illic Nightspear might have better uses than rocking 10 Wraithguard to the front lines.

- - - Updated - - -

Does not work. Wraithguard cannot infiltrate.
The rules for attatching characters state clearly that you attatch them by placing them in unit coherency. By the time you are allowed to place Illic, the wraithguard already has been deployed.

Big Rule Book
"Units that contain at least ONE model deploy last..." pg 167
"Infiltrators can set up anywhere on the board that is more than 12" away " pg 167
" independent characters can begin the game already with the unit " pg 166

Eldar codex
"Illic Nightspear has the infiltrate special rule, and can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield that is outside impassible terrain, regardless of enemy proximity" pg 55

08-22-2014, 12:30 PM
Units that contain at least ONE model deploy last...

The unit doesnt contain any model with the infiltate special rule. You are talkig of 2 different units.

"Infiltrators can set up anywhere on the board that is more than 12" away " pg 167


" independent characters can begin the game already with the unit " pg 166

Yes you can begin the game already with the unit. However you cant deploy with the unit as the unit and the character are not on the field and will be deployed at different times.
You can deploy Illic at the same time as the Wraith Constructs when the constructs deploy (no infiltrate) but you cant confer infiltrate to the unit when they are not on the board yet.

Rob Godin
08-22-2014, 02:28 PM
Thankyou firstly for replies,

I agree, perhaps investing such number of wraithguard into a suicide unit is excessive.

Perhaps utilizing wave serpents would be wiser,Illic Nightspear might have better uses than rocking 10 Wraithguard to the front lines.
- - - Updated - - -

Big Rule Book
"Units that contain at least ONE model deploy last..." pg 167
"Infiltrators can set up anywhere on the board that is more than 12" away " pg 167
" independent characters can begin the game already with the unit " pg 166

Eldar codex
"Illic Nightspear has the infiltrate special rule, and can be deployed anywhere on the battlefield that is outside impassible terrain, regardless of enemy proximity" pg 55

I agree that Nightspear does give infiltrate to whatever unit he joins, because when an independent character joins a unit, they are considered part of that unit for all extents and purposes.

HOWEVER, Nightspear would not give his special "Ignore proximity" rule to the unit he joins. Therefore, the wraithguard would be subject to the normal 12' issues.

That being said - if you have a spiritseer in your army, you have just infiltrated 10 S6 Objective secured troop into the heart of his deployment zone. That is a beautiful thing in my mind :D

08-22-2014, 05:01 PM
The unit doesnt contain any model with the infiltate special rule. You are talkig of 2 different units.


Yes you can begin the game already with the unit. However you cant deploy with the unit as the unit and the character are not on the field and will be deployed at different times.
You can deploy Illic at the same time as the Wraith Constructs when the constructs deploy (no infiltrate) but you cant confer infiltrate to the unit when they are not on the board yet.

Illic Nightspear is considered apart of the wraithguard unit. It's one unit, not two.
One unit composed of Illic and 10 Wraithguard. He has infiltrate, he is the " at least one model with infiltrate"
Though I agree with Rob, perhaps it's just Illic without the distance restrictions. But reading it as "has the infiltrate special rule and be deployed anywhere that is outside impassible terrain, regardless of enemy proximity " implies the "regardless of enemy proximity" is an extension to his infiltrating unit as for all intends and purposes, both he and the wraithguard are the same unit.

08-23-2014, 01:35 AM
This was discussed a hundred times. If you follow the rules exactly you cant confer Infiltrate. If you do what you want or use a houserule, go on but it doesnt make it a valid tactic.

The unit is not composed of Illic and 10 Wraithguard. The unit is composed of 10 Wraitguard and another unit is composed of 1 Illic.
The only way to merge the two units while they are not on the table is by keeping them in reserve.