View Full Version : Land Raider/Crusader Sponsons

Lord Speare
01-26-2010, 12:24 PM
In all GW "advertisment" Land Raiders and Land Raider Crusaders, the Lascannons/Hurricane Bolters are one the rear sponson mounts. The Land Raider Redeemer Has these on the front mounts.

Is there any reason as to why I couldn't put the Lascannons/Hurricanes on the front set? Would It be breaking wysiwig by giving me an extra 3ish inches?

(I'd like to point out I'm not doing it to gain said inches, I just prefer them at the front. It struck me that it might be breaking the rules so i thought I'd join and ask the bols lounge)

01-26-2010, 12:38 PM
You can build them at front if you want to, i have. It makes more sense as troops standing in front would have to duck when firing. When fitted forwards they coem out of 'rear hatch with covering fire.
I don't think there is a legality issue here but i could be wrong.

Insert joke about " I'm not doing it to gain said inches" here....:D

Lord Speare
01-26-2010, 12:48 PM
This was my thinking, and why I prefer them at the front.. Im sure if you've had no trouble, I won't.


01-26-2010, 12:51 PM
Its not breaking anything as all measuring is from hull

Lord Speare
01-26-2010, 12:53 PM
Thanks Guys.

01-26-2010, 01:06 PM
Its not breaking anything as all measuring is from hull

You might want to read page 56 of the rulebook again- ranges are measured from the weapon's barrel.

Akkon Sek
01-26-2010, 02:14 PM
I almost always forgo the extra inches in the name of style and stick 'em in the rear.

It just looks cooler. Don't really care that my marines would be stepping into the line-of-fire. They should know better.

Akkon Sek
01-26-2010, 02:15 PM
I almost always forgo the extra inches in the name of style and stick 'em in the rear.

Wow. No. Not what I meant to say at all.

"I generally place the sponsons in the aft-most portals, as I feel they appear more stylish there"

Much better than "stick 'em in the rear" methinks.

01-26-2010, 03:29 PM
ahh kk ty, i always thought it was from the armour

01-26-2010, 04:48 PM
TBH you have 4 pattern of land raider to pick from, as long as what you do is functionally equivalent to one of those it's fine by me, otherwise it's an excess of power play.

01-26-2010, 10:09 PM
You might want to read page 56 of the rulebook again- ranges are measured from the weapon's barrel.

Yeah I was thinking that too. Though this isn't the first time I have looked at the way that rule is written and been convinced that it was edited incorrectly after changing it once or twice.

What I mean is, it always seemed like the intent was to check LoS from the barrels and measure from the hull. This would be consistent with many similar rules in 5th ed.

But unfortunately it didn't get written/edited that way. This is why I keep seeing IG tanks with ridiculously long barrels modeled onto them.

A hull measurement is needed for targeting - it should have been used for firing as well.

01-28-2010, 11:42 AM
But unfortunately it didn't get written/edited that way. This is why I keep seeing IG tanks with ridiculously long barrels modeled onto them.

No, no, those IG Napoleons are compensating for something else.

I'm not sure how people get confused with measuring from the guns. The rule seems pretty clear to me. The rule for measuring distances to or from a vehicle is from the hull. The exception is when firing a weapon: in those cases ranges are measured from the muzzle.

01-28-2010, 04:05 PM
On pages 81 & 82 of codex:SM, the entries for the LR and LR:C show artwork that mounts the guns right up front.
I guess it's a trade off-if the guns are up front you gain a few inches of fire, but troops disembarking out the rear doors lose that distance (if they have to run to the front of the LR). If the guns are in back, you lose the range but the troops are that much closer to the front.
I've got an old Land Raider (and by old I mean ORIGINAL) and the lascannons are in front of the doors with the logic (from RT days) that crewmembers hung out of the doors and fired them that way.

01-28-2010, 04:53 PM
I almost always forgo the extra inches in the name of style and stick 'em in the rear.

It just looks cooler. Don't really care that my marines would be stepping into the line-of-fire. They should know better.

This is the first post I've read in a loooong time that actually made me laugh out loud. I know it wasn't intentional either - let's just hope not a lot of people want to sig this one...:eek:

01-28-2010, 06:36 PM
just to consider as you place the sponsons, consider your disembarking units. If the sponsons are in the front and you have a full load of troops, you may have difficulty keeping unit coherency and the 2" from the access point rule. I've always thought it was a little ridiculous to jump out in front of a hurricane bolter myself, but that is something to consider.

01-29-2010, 09:53 AM
I've got an old Land Raider (and by old I mean ORIGINAL) and the lascannons are in front of the doors with the logic (from RT days) that crewmembers hung out of the doors and fired them that way.

Really, as I've never heard or seen anything like that. The RT rules have a Cap of 12 for the driver and gunner. 2nd ed had a gunner for each weapon if I'm remembering right.