View Full Version : Space Wolves 2k Point Armored Assault List

08-21-2014, 09:56 AM
Wolf Lord (Runic Armor, Wolf Claw, Power Fist, Helm of Durfast) – 190
Grey Hunters (Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol & Power Fist, 9 Grey Hunters, Chainswords, 2 Melta Guns, Wolf Standard) – 238
Grey Hunters (10 Grey Hunters, 2 Plasma Guns, Rhino) – 205
Land Raider Redeemer (Multi-Melta) – 250
Long Fangs (Long Fang Ancient, 5 Long Fangs, 5 Missile Launcher) – 165
Long Fangs (Long Fang Ancient, 5 Long Fangs, 5 Missile Launcher) – 165

Rune Priest (Runic Armor, Rune Axe, Mastery Level 1, Melta Bombs) – 90
Grey Hunters (Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol & Power Fist, 9 Grey Hunters, Chainswords, 2 Melta Guns, Wolf Standard) – 238
Grey Hunters (10 Grey Hunters, 2 Plasma Guns, Rhino) – 205
Land Raider Redeemer (Multi-Melta) - 250

= 1996

Could be done using 2 combined arms detachments or double force org


08-22-2014, 08:16 AM
LR are an odd duck. Some games, I see them shrug off shots all day long as they gloriously drop their load in my face and kill everything. Other games they get immobilized by a lucky shot and the troops die to firepower as they try to cross the battle field.

Looks like you will have 4 tanks (2 of them beefy, 2 not so much) and 2 squads of LF on the table. Not saying it wont work, but a couple of things might give you trouble:

hell drakes (they will kill LF and rhinos with ease)
haywire shots (necrons and DE will eat up the LR and those are big points items)
fliers (doesn't look like you have much defense for them unless you get a lucky missile shot)

Id say playtest it and tweak as needed. I like Blood Claws for assaulting from LR, especially if you have Ulrik in there with them.

08-22-2014, 04:58 PM
luckily at my local scene there are no chaos players so I don't have to worry about any hell turkies .... most people only run 1-2 fliers (minus one cron player) in my local meta

if I go up against de my best shot would be to try to use los terrain and hope he doesnt get too lucky with a good pen, one of my other armies is av13 spam necrons all with haywire teks, the other cron player normally doesnt run a court

Having grey hunters in the raiders instead of blood claws should also help if the raiders do get destroyed since foot slogging grey hunters > blood claws

08-24-2014, 08:54 AM
Anyone else?

08-26-2014, 09:18 AM
like the land raiders i run 2 for my world eaters they do do well for me every game. liking the list alof of firepower and some very nasty units. do have to ask why did you not try to take the new flyer?

08-27-2014, 03:38 PM
atm I dont really have the funds to buy one (but I don't really plan on buying one), I did play a game with a guy that used the one with the hellfrost destructor on it and it did fairly well. I'm not a big fan of the transport flier mainly due to the fact it isn't going to come in until at least turn 2 and maybe not until 3-4 then, having that much points locked up for a couple turns could be make or break for the game. With Raiders you at least have the armor on the table at the start of the game.

I've actually reformed my list to something a little different but keeps the same theme.

Double CADs

Wolf Lord (Helm of Durfast, Runic Armor, Pair of Wolf Claws, Melta Bombs) – 180

Blood Claws (Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol & Power Fist, 14 Blood Claws) – 215
Grey Hunters (10 Grey Hunters, 2 Plasma Guns, Rhino) – 205

Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta) – 260
Long Fangs (Long Fang Ancient with Bolt Pistol & Chain Sword, 5 Long Fangs, 5 Missile Launchers) – 165
Long Fangs (Long Fang Ancient with Bolt Pistol & Chain Sword, 5 Long Fangs, 5 Missile Launchers) – 165

Wolf Priest (Runic Armor, Crozius Arcanum, Healing Balms, Wolf Amulet) – 130

Blood Claws (Wolf Guard Pack Leader with Bolt Pistol & Power Fist, 14 Blood Claws) – 215
Grey Hunters (10 Grey Hunters, 2 Plasma Guns, Rhino) – 205

Land Raider Crusader (Multi-Melta) – 260

= 2000

Swapped the Land Raiders to Crusaders instead of Redeemers and put full units of blood claws in them instead .... should make them more choppy in CC and durable due to more wounds. The Wolf Lord got downgraded to a pair of wolf claws due to cost and I swapped a wolf priest for the rune priest (6+ FNP & oaths on 15 models > psyker). The main issue with the second version if the Land Raiders get popped early grey hunters are better at foot slogging than blood claws.

09-02-2014, 12:18 PM
To be honest never had any issues with having to many points being held off the table. I have run everythign from heldrakes to hellblades to storm talons to storm eagle and fire raptor gunships. having them in reserves do not handicap your army. most likely your opponent will have troops in reserves as well. It all comes down to preferance in the end. Get in some games before you make any further changes. i suggest you get in atleast 3-5 games before you make any changes though.

10-06-2014, 03:16 PM
imo bloodclaws are terrible... id rather you spend the points and add murderfang w/pod instead.. and id drop the runic armor and helm of durfast and go with armor of russ.. you obviously want him in cc.. so -5 to init is going to make him bassedness