View Full Version : Painting Blood Angels - How you do it?

01-26-2010, 05:03 AM
Hi All,

Wondering how you all paint your Blood Angels, I was never a fan of using Blood Angels red as the main
coat and highlighting with orange. In my opinion, in any army camo is crucial, so its best not to stand out
too much or you dead. I have tinkered with a few paints, Tamiya flat red - great colour but it ran
everywhere, very watery, GW red gore - good coverage but not a shade I like and GW mechrite red. I use
Mechrite red on my Epic and wash with Baal Red, looks great but at 28mm everything comes out looking a
little too pink for me. Next on my list to try is Vallejo's Model Color Carmine and Flat red. Anybody else out
there using a non 'GW painting guide' method on Blood Angels, thanks.

01-26-2010, 05:09 AM

01-26-2010, 06:14 AM
My Blood Angels are far from Camo'ed. There was something in one of the books way back that specified a space marine in camo is no good, as you can't see your impending death.

I use a black base coat, then paint vallejo flat brown as the primary base. I then put blazing orange on top of that with a highlight of sunburst yellow. Yes they stand out, but that's the point.

FOr character models, I do the base in white, then use brown ink over the orange layer. If it's a "newer" marine, I'll use orange ink rather than brown, which gives it a more factory fresh look (noob on the battle field).

John M>

Shadow Queen
01-26-2010, 08:00 AM
Don't forget there is the P3 range that in my own way is better than the GW range.

01-26-2010, 08:02 AM
Power armour Space Marines are supposed to stand out. Like lobster said, the enemy needs to see its doom coming at it.

01-26-2010, 09:36 AM
Here is how I paint my Blood Angels:

- Pre-spray black

- Foundation paint: Machartie Red

- Wet Brush: Blood Red

- Touch up: Blood Red

- Wash recesses: Devlan Mud

- Touch Up recesses over flow: Blood Red

- General Highlights: Blood Red in bigger areas like the backpack and shoulders

- Extreme Highlights: Blazing Orange. (Im pretty sure its blazing orange

After all this your Blood Angels should be looking pretty good. The biggest trick is the shading of Devlan Mud and the Extreme Highlight of Orange.

Hope this Helps. Ill post pics if you want.


01-26-2010, 10:05 AM
Hi Duke,

I checked them out on your site, very nice indeed, definitely the direction I'm heading in,
a slightly darker shade of blood angels red. I see you have the red shoulder trim, it does
look well, I'll might go with the black , I guess its just preference at the end of
the day but I suppose the new codex will have something to say on that. I was a bit slow
picking up on Lobster Overlords paint guide, orange with yellow highlight, guess they look
quite similar to eh Lobsters. P3 looks good, lots of reds even a Sanguine Base colour thanks,
has anyone tried Vallejo?

01-26-2010, 10:39 AM
white spray undercoat
blood red
brown ink in the recesses and some for shading
blazing orange sparingly for a high light here and there
coat in red ink

01-26-2010, 11:40 AM
my( quick) way
blood red
scab red shadows
badab wash
add elf flesh to blood for higlilghts (do in 3 stages)
bleached bone highlight
skull white highlight

then paint angel its quick fun and looks good

1) paint a triangle (body
2) put a small dimond on top (head
3 touch up shapes
add in a wing in grey>1.1 grey white> white:D

simples..squeak (meerkat)

p.s. only put camo on sniper scouts because a chainsaw and a zillon optical sensors arnt good for camo

- fuzz

04-08-2010, 06:59 PM
You could go to Youtube and check out Jawaballs's paint tutorial for Blood Angels, OR Paypal him $10(US) and get the same tuts in a higher resolution on DVD. I have several of his DVDs, and they're not bad! Good for beginners and some intermediates.

04-08-2010, 07:02 PM
Title should be "Painting Blood Angels" not "Pinting", although blood is drawn by pints! Hehehe!

04-09-2010, 06:00 AM
I use:
Black spray undercoat.
Mechrite red on power armour, leaving black in gaps, soft areas, weapon, etc.
Blood red over mechrite red.
Slightly thinned blazing orange as an edge highlight on the armour surfaces.
Thinned codex grey/chaos black mix (roughly 2:1) for highlighting black areas eg shoulder rims, weapon casings.
Eye lenses are based Dark Angels Green, highlighted with Goblin Green and a tiny white reflection spot in the corners.
Metal areas eg mouth and backpack grills are boltgun metal washed with chaos black.

I'm considering an overall armour wash to get more shading and to blend the orange highlight in. At the moment they look unfinished. So yeah a brownish wash will be put into that mix

Hope this helps