View Full Version : So there is no way to buy Enginseer tech priest anymore :(

08-17-2014, 02:43 AM
Well i checked the GW site and apparently there out of stock so i was thinking could i use this model from FW instead i am worryed a bit about its base because it looks slightly bigger then the normal base for it.

MECHANICUM MYRMIDON SECUTORS (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/The_Horus_Heresy/Mechanicum/Mechanicum_Elites/MECHANICUM_MYRMIDON_SECUTORS.html)

I would ofcorse have to remove the weapons of there sholders but how would i make a servo-arm or could i class there hands as such?

08-17-2014, 05:03 AM
Games Workshop produce two Enginseers.
One of them is currently out of stock.

So buy the other one...

http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/search/searchResults.jsp?qty=com.gamesworkshop.endeca.End ecaUserContext%407db78dec&sorting=srl&view=table&searchTerm=engineseer

Edit. Many apologies.
I've just clicked "Add to Cart" on the second Enginseer, the one that shows that it's still available and that too is now out of stock.

If you're after a Servo-Arm, the Space Wolves Iron Priest has one.

08-17-2014, 05:04 AM
Games Workshop produce two Enginseers.
One of them is currently out of stock.

So buy the other one...

http://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/search/searchResults.jsp?qty=com.gamesworkshop.endeca.End ecaUserContext%407db78dec&sorting=srl&view=table&searchTerm=engineseer

That one also saids out of stock when you press add to cart

08-17-2014, 06:48 AM
Right, first of all, the Myrmidions are Terminator-sized, and so far too big to represent a Techpriest Enginseer.

Secondly, the best option you have at the moment, given that the old Techpriest Enginseer models are done is probably to get a box of Dark Angels Veterans.


Paint the armour silver, the robes red, and you're already halfway there, not to mention you get a load of bits for conversions down the road.

That'll give you enough parts for five. You don't assemble them with shoulder pads, but instead use GS to create robed sleeves. If you're not confident with GS, just leave them off.

As for making them look more 'Techpriest-y':

And finally, servo arms are ridiculously easy:


Seriously, no-one should ever need to buy a servo arm, they're abjectly simple to make.

I made some of these about seven years ago now, and they'll take you about an afternoon.


Here's one with the GS sleeves I mentioned:


Hope this helps.

08-17-2014, 07:02 AM
theres a rule for models being too big? i read somewere you can make the model bigger but never smaller and as long as it follows the wargear in its profile surely that is okey right?

08-17-2014, 07:13 AM
Not when it comes to base size; models have to conform to an appropriate base size, otherwise you could have assault specialists like Marine Captains, mount them on a 60mm base, and suddenly they can wreck all the faces. It's why the Primarchs have a separate base for gaming which fits into the more impressive scenic base for display.

Enginseers need to be mounted on a 25mm base, and the Mymidions are just too big for that.

Of course, this only matters if you intend to be entering competitive, tournament play.

08-17-2014, 07:20 AM
my list consists of
2 paladins
1 errent
9 armoured sentinel
1 scout sentinel
3 enginseers each with 2 plasma cannons servotors

Its a themed army each knight has command of 1 squad of armoured sentinel's and 1 enginseer with his two servotors as escort the scout is so i can use a formation in the 40k apoc book i doubt i would have much luck winning in a 40k tornimate game also models cant be proxy or count as if there is a model avalibal so it would be illigal anyway lol.

I have been looking on the internet forums and found a sort of rule of thumb as long as the model base size is proper and not taking advantage to gain a bonus to range or hight then its okey for exsample sake they point out if the model is count as or proxie it must not be no more then 20% of the model size that it came converted from or the model that it is proxing.

08-17-2014, 08:58 AM
Well, do what you like then. :)

Converting Dark Angels Veterans will save you cash. Using Myrmidions will cost you more but leave you with some lovely models. I would use the Secutors rather than the Destructors, though, as they come with the standard Mechanicus axe.

08-17-2014, 09:20 AM
http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/Warhammer-40000/Titans/TITAN-TECH-PRIEST.html is a good option. Or any of the techmarines.

08-17-2014, 10:21 AM
Well, do what you like then. :)

Converting Dark Angels Veterans will save you cash. Using Myrmidions will cost you more but leave you with some lovely models. I would use the Secutors rather than the Destructors, though, as they come with the standard Mechanicus axe.

I agree they are very lovly models and fit my mech themed army too :D thanks for the advice btw

08-18-2014, 12:24 AM
Perhaps this eBay lot may help?
There's two available as "Buy Now"


08-18-2014, 07:36 AM
I would start with the DA minis and remove/conceal all of the DA iconography. Beg or borrow some techmarine shoulderpads (Most marine players have these in abundance). Bits order some assault marine axes or cut the cog-edged axe heads from plasticard. Bits order some Grey Knight Nemesis Force Halberd arms and either remove the storm bolter or convert into some sort of techno tool. Get some servo arm bits by either plunking down for the techmarine kit or getting the servo arm kits from Zinge Industries. Kitbash them until you have what you're looking for.

08-18-2014, 09:37 AM
Did you consider this dude on your FW wanderings?


08-19-2014, 03:58 AM
Did you consider this dude on your FW wanderings?


Wait i never saw that hmmm intresting

08-19-2014, 04:01 AM
Nice model, I've got one, I might even paint him one day :D