View Full Version : Clan Vurgaan of The Iron Hands Chapter WIP Blog

08-16-2014, 10:05 PM
Here is the beginning of my Iron Hands army that started as a small side project and has rapidly escalated into one one my largest 40k armies. Funny story, I had intended to do no more than 2000 points of Space Marines and the original plan was for a Crimson Fist force allied with some Black Templars. It was going to be quick and cheap. No plan survives engagement with the enemy and so I find myself amassing a ever expanding force of Iron Hands.

At least the paint scheme goes on fast. This is good because I have limited hobby time these days and it's nice to be able to paint for an hour or so and still feel like I'm making progress.

I'll start with my Iron Lord (counts as; Chapter Master).

The Iron Lord Mastodon: Master of Clan Vurgaan, Scion of the Seventh Key of Hel, The Archorevenant


He's done with the exception of some detail work and weathering. I plan on adding some script to the purity seals and devotional script in white to the armour. I picked up some weathering powder, but found it to be too yellow for my tastes, so I'm going try something a little darker.

Next up are some Sternguard. This was one of the first squads I finished and the first I assembled. Some of these are legacy models from when this was going to be a Crimson Fist army. A few bionic limbs and should pad swaps and they became as hard as Iron.

Clave Primax


I armed them all with Deathwatch bolters because I don't really care for the style that comes in the Sternguard box (not to mention that I didn't buy a Sternguard box, but had some bitz donated to me by a friend who bought 4 boxes :D ). I like the concept of the Deathwatch bolters much better anyway. No combi-weapons in the squad either. I like to keep these elite units lean and mean. Again, mostly complete, just need some weathering. The Sergeant will also have a banner, that is currently still grey plastic.

Next post, I'll show off a trio of Tactical Squads. Then a few early WIP models.
