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View Full Version : Remember the crowdsourcing campaign for Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire?

08-13-2014, 04:57 PM
Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire will soon launch on Steam!

Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire is a computer game (Windows, MAC and Linux) aimed at capturing the essence of miniatures wargaming, with core elements that make tabletop games great, such as the strategy of building a great list, deploying to maximise your advantages, and manoeuvring in turns to capture objectives. We ran a crowdsourcing campaign back in 2012 that sadly did not reach its funding goal, but despite that rather significant obstacle (and several others no less significant over the past two years) we are now in the final stretch and the end is finally in sight.

The point of this post is that some of you here may have backed our crowdsourcing campaign back in 2012. If you did, you have hopefully received messages from Membraine recently about your entitlement to a Steam key. If not, please write to me ([email protected]) and let me know.

A Guild Legionnaire model

A Royal Empire of Man Commander model

If you're interested in seeing how the game plays--and seeing what we mean when we say we're trying to capture "the essence of miniatures wargaming"--check out this Gameplay Discussion video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=03E8wyPReJM).

For those familiar with 6mm wargaming, you may be interested in in hearing what we're thinking as we play Exodus Wars: Fractured Empire. This Tactical Discussion video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxRVnpqUkeE) shows me commenting on what I'm thinking about (and generally talking a lot of rubbish) as I play a tournament-style 3,000-point skirmish game in the current Early Access build. (This is a "warts and all" video of an Early Access game, so please note that the occasional annoying bug does rear its ugly head in this video--much to my chagrin.) :)

We'll post on BoLS again when we've launched on Steam, but for frequent updates please follow us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/membraine) or Twitter (https://twitter.com/membraine_ftw).

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to ask. :)