View Full Version : Summoned Demons and Warp Storm

08-13-2014, 03:16 PM
It might have been answered somewhere however I couldn't find it:

If one plays an non demon army (CSM in my particular case) and then summons a demon unit using malefic powers does it make the Warp Storm table rules apply?

08-13-2014, 03:18 PM
the warpstorm is a property of daemon primary detachments only.

So it doesnt come into play.

However the warpstorm, if ever there, WILL affect ALL daemons on the table

08-13-2014, 04:36 PM
Just don't play with the warpstorm table. At all. 10 years ago it would barely have warranted an experimental white dwarf article, never mind being passed off as legitimate, playtested, balanced codex rules. Can't remember if this applies to 40K as well as fantasy, but the possibility of losing your entire army to instability on your first turn before you've so much as moved a model across the table? FART! Not into it.

clever handle
08-22-2014, 02:48 PM
then don't play daemons. The instability table is part of the rules, with potential gains & loses for both players. I for one would expect to use the DI table every time my opponent is using CD as his primary detachment.

08-22-2014, 03:45 PM
Me too as the warp storm favors the daemon player quite a bit. There are results which are outright stupid (congratz for gaining 2 vp without even making a move) but in average the daemon gets the better end of the bargain (not to mention musicans)

08-22-2014, 03:50 PM
It might have been answered somewhere however I couldn't find it:

If one plays an non demon army (CSM in my particular case) and then summons a demon unit using malefic powers does it make the Warp Storm table rules apply?

Summoning daemons via malefic powers are just that the warp storm only applys if you use daemons as a primary detatchment its on the daemon codex on the top of the page for warpstorm that you use it in the shooting phase.