View Full Version : Kill team....more madness from Binary77

08-12-2014, 03:11 PM
So, after the completion of my exodite army, here (http://www.lounge.belloflostsouls.net/showthread.php?41187-Another-Eldar-Exodite-log) and while I finish the board for AoP, my modelling itch came back.
Now how to scratch it without starting a massive project I don't have the space for?

In the dead of the night, while perusing the interwebz as I couldn't sleep it struck me.

Kill team

And not just one. Since they're only 200point armies I decided to do several so I could flit between them if and when I get burned out.

I also decided that they'd all have a background that would be linked together, making it more narrative, and possible to port over to inq28/necromunda.

Thus the manufactorum world of Vostok was born.
A mining/hive world deep in the Baikan sector of Segementum Pacificus, one of the supply world for the Sabbat Worlds Crusade, it is largely run by the trader guilds for the Administratum, with a sizeable contingent of the Adeptus Mechanicus present to oversee the tithes, production quotas and deployment of technology.

Now onto the kill teams I've got planned so far.

Adeptus Arbites: space marine codex.

Decided to use the space marine codex for these guys. I justified the T4 as I view these guys very much like the stereotype Judge Dredd, taking bullets from the bad guys and still bringing them in.
The list is going to use the Carcaradon chapter tactics so they cause fear, and the Iron hands tactics if Forgeworld ones aren't allowed, and I'm deliberately limiting myself to only units in scout armour.

The list: 198 points
Arbites riot team Orlov.
Chief Judge Orlov - shotgun
Judge - shotgun
Judge - shotgun
Judge - missile launcher
Judge - bolt pistol & Ccw
Judge - sniper rifle
Judge - sniper rifle
Response unit 31 - land speeder storm

Judge - scout bike
Judge - scout bike
Judge - scout bike

Colour scheme will be black (obviously!), grey highlights on fabric, blue highlights on armour, white as a spot colour, and nmm gold and silver. The bikes will be made using the HH legion outriders (as they're based on the scout bike and have a very "Dredd" look). The land speeder will be stretched to have a holding cell and gull wing doors.

Squat Mining Clan: chaos marine codex

Again I wanted to represent the toughness of the squats, as well as the heavy equipment they were more likely to adapt to other uses. I envisioned the clan working under contract with the trader guilds and the Adeptus Mechanicus, keeping a percentage of the ore mined and tech discovered (although I suspect they don't declare all the archeotech they dig up)
CSM was a better choice than SM as I didn't have to justify ATSKNF, while still giving me the high toughness and power armour (which I envision as modified mining armour)

The list 200 points
Clan lord - bolt gun
Miner - bolt gun
Miner - bolt gun
Miner - bolt gun
Miner - bolt pistol & ccw
Miner - bolt pistol & ccw
Miner - bolt pistol & ccw
Miner - bolt pistol & ccw
Miner - plasma gun
Miner - auto cannon

Converted stronghold class prospector (counts as rhino) - this is going to be a walking prospecting vehicle built from 2 sentinels and lots of pllasticard

Colour scheme is still undecided, I'm thinking a muted olive green for the armour, with earthy brown tones for clothing, and yellow as a spot colour.
I want these guys to move away from the typical fantasy dwarf in space, and have a more "40k miners who happen to be a bit short" look.
The prospector/rhino was inspired by the cover of an old citadel journal detailing vehicle in the ash wastes although it'll be enclosed.
The squats themselves will be built using the iron breakers boxed set, with scout arms and some form of hi tec backpack.

Adeptus Mechanicus explorator team Epsilon 31: tau codex

With the AM I wanted to represent the inhuman nature of the techpriests, the divorce of mind and body, of intellect and emotion. The tau codex gave me the option of heavily armed servitors as well as giant, gun toting constructs.
Epsilon 31 is the explorator team led by Magos Korolev in hunting the underhive for lost archeotech, as well as ensuring the Mechanicus' rules concerning tech use are observed at the working ends of the mines. Because of these harsh conditions, Korolev has divested himself of the last vestiges of his human body and been implanted within a modified Thallax, along with his two most trusted protectors. His real motivations for this, and the inordinate amount of time he spends in the underhive are unknown.

The list: 198 points
Magos Korolev - XV8 crisis suit, plasma & flamer
Protector Alpha Rho-1 - XV8 crisis suit, missile pod & flamer
Protector Alpha Rho-2 - XV8 crisis suit, Burst cannon, Burst cannon
Servitor Epsilon 1 - plasma rifle
Servitor Epsilon 2 - plasma rifle
Servitor Epsilon 3 - plasma rifle
Servitor Epsilon 4 - plasma rifle
Servitor Epsilon 5 - plasma rifle
Servitor Epsilon 6 - plasma rifle
Servitor Epsilon 7 - plasma rifle
Servitor Epsilon 8 - plasma rifle

Servitor WIP

The servitors will be based on some old designs I saved many years ago, combining the necron and ghoul boxes, with the DE reaver pilot blank faceplate to match the look of the Thallax, and will be painted with a very pale, sickly skin tone, as Korolev's opinion is that there are always more servitors...
All weaponry will be converted from necron weapons to give consistency with the plasma rifle/gauss gun. Burst cannons from tesla carbines, plasma gun from gauss cannon, flamers from x and the missile pod will be the sentinel one.
All exposed machinery will be painted in dirty, oily colours, and all armour plating on both the Thallax and he servitors will be heavily weathered yellow (think construction equipment that's been on site for years!)

The cult of the allfather: Astra millitarum codex

There is a growing layer of discontent within the under class of the hive, and recently a figure head for the downtrodden has arisen. Heading a movement known as the cult of the allfather this shadowy figure has grown in reach, influence and power over the last few years. Preaching a version of the imperial dogma of the allfather watching over, the cult has become more vocal and influential within the higher echelons of society too.
Little do they know the truth behind the facade. The allfather watching over is benevolent (to an extent), as certain well known 4 armed purple monsters care about their offspring.....
Yup, it's a genestealer cult. These guys are going to be a motley crew of human workers and hybrids, led by a fourth generation hierarch, using stolen weaponry and converted mining vehicles.

The list: 198 points
Hierarch - veteran sergeant, plasma pistol (psychic powers)
Hybrid - plasma gun
Hybrid - sniper rifle
Hybrid team - auto cannon
Human - flamer
Human - shotgun
Human - shotgun
Human - lasgun
Human - lasgun

Mining truck - taurox, auto cannon

Bulldozer - sentinel, auto cannon

Scheme wise I was thinking blues as these are former civilians and their offspring, and would most likely be wearing the remnants of their work clothes with the same battered yellow armour. All of the humans will also have a visible cult tattoo, either on their arms of head.
I was also planning on stealing an idea posted a long time ago by cmdante of converting the tau air caste pilots into the later gen hybrids for that spindly, slightly "off" look. It also give me chance to push my sculpting and see what I can achieve.

First photos should be up tomorrow, as I've got the day off....

C&C welcome, and if anyone has any ideas for other themed teams then I'm more than happy for the inspiration!

08-13-2014, 08:50 AM
Right, photos as promised!
Now bear in mind these are 1 mornings work, and are very, very rough WIP. I decided to build one member of each kill team so that I could properly develope their character.

Firstly we have Judge Orlov.


Fairly basic kit bash so far, scout legs and body, though I trimmed the top of his boots so I could greenstuff them into an armoured greave, and replaced the chest eagle with extra armour plates. The head is Cadian, with the detailing removed, the visor and neck plate added with GS.

Next we have Brother Branveld,


Plastic iron breaker with scout arms, only basic filling done first, needs to be more techy, just got to work out a backpack, cables and other gubbins

And finally Servitor Epsilon 1


Now this is very early. Needs more GS work, claws on the front arms and lots of wires/cables trailing behind, and running from the arms/gun to various points on his back

Now obviously these guys need more detail work (and in the case of Orlov, 2 arms and a shotgun!) so I plan to take this slowly, and really bring each of the characters to life.

C&C welcome as usual guys

08-13-2014, 09:03 AM
Great stuff! I especially like the servitor.

I look forward to more :)

08-13-2014, 11:06 AM
Great stuff indeed. I've seen quite a few people use the new dwarfs as squats already, but that servitor is something else (even if it still has some nasty mold lines). I look forward to seeing more.

Darren Richardson
08-13-2014, 04:06 PM
yeah that Servitor sure looks creepy, even in such an unfinished state like that, more please.