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View Full Version : Imperial Knights Strikedown rule applies to shooting as well?

08-12-2014, 01:52 PM
Imperial Knights have Strikedown listed as one of their Special Rules.
The rule for Strikedown (rulebook p172) says that if a model suffers a wound (saved or not) against an attack with the Strikedown special rule it moves as if in difficult terrain until the end of its next turn.
Since the Knight has the rule and not any of its specific weapons, does this apply to all of its weapons? The Primary Weapon, Heavy Stubber, Hammer of Wrath, and even Stomp attacks?

08-12-2014, 02:49 PM
RAW yes.

08-12-2014, 03:00 PM
I am of exactly the opposite reaction to Charon:

The rule says that an attack must have the special rule. The Knight has the rule, but none of its weapons do.

So, RAW, it does nothing.

Now to put my sensible hat on.

It applies to its melee attacks and Stomp attacks, but Hammer of Wrath explicitly does not benefit from any of a model's special rules. Looking at rules like Fleshbane and Rending, we can safely extrapolate that it does not extend to shooting attacks either.

08-12-2014, 03:03 PM
Houghten, if it would only apply to its melee attacks and not any weapons, then it would not apply to its Melee weapon either. So only stomp attacks?

08-12-2014, 03:24 PM
You missed the part where I put my sensible hat on, didn't you?

Like I said, rules like Fleshbane and Rending give us the best sense of how the rule is meant to work. If a weapon has the rule, it applies to attacks made with the weapon; if a model has the rule, it applies to all their melee attacks, even if made with a special weapon, but doesn't apply to their shooting attacks.

08-12-2014, 03:54 PM
You missed the part where I put my sensible hat on, didn't you?

Like I said, rules like Fleshbane and Rending give us the best sense of how the rule is meant to work. If a weapon has the rule, it applies to attacks made with the weapon; if a model has the rule, it applies to all their melee attacks, even if made with a special weapon, but doesn't apply to their shooting attacks.

Didn't miss it, just playing Devil's advocate. Would seem strange that Strikedown would apply to the Stubber.
I guess for Strikedown to have any real effect in melee the enemy would have to survive your hit(s) and still kill you, thus being free from combat and able to move.

08-13-2014, 01:36 PM
Knights can stomp units not in melee with it, if it has more than one blast to place. Only the first blast hast to be placed in base contact, the remaining blast(s) can be place anywhere as long as its no further than 3" away. About the only way to get Strikedown to work, if it does not apply to all attacks.


Aaron LeClair
08-13-2014, 05:50 PM
I am of exactly the opposite reaction to Charon:

The rule says that an attack must have the special rule. The Knight has the rule, but none of its weapons do.

So, RAW, it does nothing.

Now to put my sensible hat on.

It applies to its melee attacks and Stomp attacks, but Hammer of Wrath explicitly does not benefit from any of a model's special rules. Looking at rules like Fleshbane and Rending, we can safely extrapolate that it does not extend to shooting attacks either.

So what you are saying is the Riptides ability to get skyfire means only its melee attacks have skyfire? Because the model itself gets the rule not any of its weapons.

reason i bring this up is because the skyfire rule states weapon if i recall right, but sadly I don't own the a 7th rule book yet.

08-13-2014, 05:58 PM
Do you even own a sensible hat?

Mind you, you'd still be wrong even if you did, because you do not recall correctly. Skyfire specifies "model with this special rule or that is firing a weapon with this special rule." It also clearly includes the words "when shooting at."

Aaron LeClair
08-13-2014, 11:03 PM
Do you even own a sensible hat?

Mind you, you'd still be wrong even if you did, because you do not recall correctly. Skyfire specifies "model with this special rule or that is firing a weapon with this special rule." It also clearly includes the words "when shooting at."

and at this point you are just being a jerk when I clearly stated I don't have the rule book, and I said what i remembered about it saying 'weapon' not the model part. so lets turn down the un-needed rude when i was asking something to clarify something.

08-14-2014, 02:12 AM
Even had you been correct about the actual content of the Skyfire rule - and even if I believed you were asking for clarification on the Skyfire rule and not just going "gotcha, gner gner" - any interpretation of the rules that grants a BS bonus to a melee weapon is not even vaguely sensible, and therefore I stand by my assertion that you need to go out and buy a sensible hat.

And a 7th Edition rulebook. It's been three months, they've come out in six different formats by now. Until you have one, how are you going to know when your opponents are lying to you?

- Houghten, the man whose character sheet doesn't say "nice" anywhere