View Full Version : 1850 Competitive Orks/Want feedback before buying

Perturbed Machine Spirit
08-11-2014, 07:49 PM
I'm just starting 40k, and I've chosen Orks as my first army. I would like some feedback on this list before I buy any models to ensure I don't waste my money.

HQ: Warboss (Da Finkin' Kap, Power Klaw, Warboss Gazbag's Blitzbike) 130
Painboy (Warbike) 75

Troops: 30 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 220
30 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 220
30 Boyz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 220

Elites: 3 Meganobz (1x Skorcha) 125
Trukk (Ram) 35
3 Meganobz (1x Skorcha) 125
Trukk (Ram) 35

Fast Attack: 14 Warbikerz, 1 Warbiker Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 310

Heavy Support: 5 Kustom Mega Cannons (5 Ammo Runts) 165
10 Lootas 140

Fortifications: Aegis Line 50

Total: 1850

Dave Mcturk
08-23-2014, 05:14 AM
try proxying things before splashing out on new models. unless you love painting and have bottomless pockets?

so much orkzy fun depends on the 'rock-paper-scissors-spock' nature of 40k; a horde army might do well on a decent table against slower armies, but on a billiard table or against a mobile army they will get blown away. GW missed a chance to make meganobs T5 - which would make them useable and possibly underpointed - but at T4 they will get fried.

imo 1 wound warbikers arent much better!

but whatever you play with orkzez will be FUN !:)

08-23-2014, 06:18 AM
as a speed freak player i can guarantee that T5 bikers even with one wound will do well and will make you a happy ork player. mega armored nobs are fine at 2 wounds what hurts them is not having an invulnerable save there is nothing that says they should be T5.