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View Full Version : My Khador Old-Witch List

01-24-2010, 10:00 PM
Ok guys here is my current Khador list.

Don't worry so much about points as overall concept and ability to work together:

Old Witch/Scrapjack
5-10 Man-O-Wars
2 Destroyers
4 Widowmakers
1 Juggernaut

Basic concept is:
-Man-o-war wall, with Destroyers behind firing bombards into the foe.
-Widowmakers advance to midboard along on edge and snipe at key warjack systems and draw resources away from the fight.
-Juggernaught anchors the strong side of the Man-o-war wall to deal with approaching trouble.
-Scrapjack ranges out on the weak side to casue various arc-node hijinx.
-Old Witch is center rear, and will use her bag of tricks as needed to avoid trouble or pounce.


01-25-2010, 07:28 AM
Ok guys here is my current Khador list.

Don't worry so much about points as overall concept and ability to work together:

Old Witch/Scrapjack
5-10 Man-O-Wars
2 Destroyers
4 Widowmakers
1 Juggernaut

Basic concept is:
-Man-o-war wall, with Destroyers behind firing bombards into the foe.
-Widowmakers advance to midboard along on edge and snipe at key warjack systems and draw resources away from the fight.
-Juggernaught anchors the strong side of the Man-o-war wall to deal with approaching trouble.
-Scrapjack ranges out on the weak side to casue various arc-node hijinx.
-Old Witch is center rear, and will use her bag of tricks as needed to avoid trouble or pounce.


The overall concept is a decent, but the cohesion of forces are where this army really falls apart. The main thing I see right off is that you are using the Old Witch with a list more suitable to just about any other Warcaster in the Khadoran army. The only support you have from the Old Witch is Weald Secrets and Iron Flesh - both of which work very poorly with already slow units and a general lack of cover and charge range. A FAR better caster for this list would be Vladimir, as Wind Wall after all of your shooting would provide a serious counter to the heavy firepower other factions can bring to field. Likewise, given the low speed of this army, its almost a given that you will be the one getting charged - in many cases from outside of the Old Witch's control range if the opponent has cavalry on the field. Man o' War are tough, but not tough enough to survive a charge from storm lances, super Menite cannonball Examplar Vengers (or even Knights!), or a majority of Cryxian debuffs+shooting. Also, the Destroyer, while an effective warjack, is designed to be in the melee lopping arms off of enemy warjacks. If all you want it for is a dedicated long range bombardment, prepare to have it get shut down with disruption, menite anti-shooting, or Cryxian trickiness. Likewise the Man o' War can't screen the Destroyer, so be prepared to watch it get knocked on its butt by any ranged knockdown or high powered shooting the enemy is boasting. You also have no concrete assassination option with this list, which seems to be designed to wage a war of attrition. With how outnumbered you will generally be against the opponent, this is exactly what you don't want happening!

The Juggernaut and a unit of Widowmakers are always useful, so I have no comment for them.

You need threat range in your list, something your lumbering forward won't accomplish. Khador lives and dies in melee, as opposed to just about every other faction which is a mixup. My thought for your list to truly be an all comers list, without sacrificing the feel, is as follows.

Old Witch
5 Man o' War Shocktroopers
5 Man o' War Bombardiers (new Man o' War coming out)
Iron Fange Pikemen with U/A
Greylord Ternion

This shift gives you two main things: Anti-infantry in the form of the Bombardiers and Iron Fangs, and a good speed unit (SPD 6) that has high survivability and damage output for the point cost. Likewise, Shocktroopers with the Bombardiers allows a line in which you can screen the Bombardiers with your Shocktroopers while the wall advances. The Destroyer can run interference, popping off shots down range against infantry concentrations or low ARM warjacks that the Ternion has slowed down. The Greylord's job is to Blizzard up your low DEF models, as well as to Ice Cage targets for the Juggernaut and Destroyer. Also, a nice little combo with the Ternion is to advance far ahead to lure a charge on a single model. Presuming it dies horribly (as it should), blast them with Frostbite now that they are all clumped up. It won't work many times, but when it does watch an enemy unit melt away. In this list, Scrapjack is a perfect lure, as you can whisk him away with Unseen Path if he survives. The Widowmaker's role is to pick off enemy unit attachments and solos, now able to run a little more freely that they aren't the only thing ranging in front of your army anymore (or even shielded by the Iron Fangs shield wall. One great thing about Shield Wall now is that you can clump just two models together to get the bonus, allowing you to space out the Fangs to avoid AOE's.

This shift in composition allows you the speed necessary to engage high priority targets on your terms, while the rest of your army closes. Since you can't buff your SPD, work your hardest to break down the enemies. Surgical elimination with Widowmakers can put enemy troopers that are spread to far apart out of formation, namely by killing more central troopers and then offing the Leader. A great way to shut down high threat units for a turn or so as they regain formation. Likewise, work to deal with anything with a CRA (Combined Range Attack) quickly, as they will erase your Shocktroopers like nobodies business.

01-25-2010, 01:58 PM
Thank you sir!

Just the type of detailed feedback I'd like to encourage in our Warmachine forum.

01-26-2010, 05:34 AM
Glad to be of service :) Have fun playing around with the different types of combinations available to Khador. It's a really forgiving faction (as opposed to the Protectorate, as I found out the hard way...), so don't hesitate to experiment with a different combination of forces.

01-05-2011, 10:52 AM
My Old Witch list consists of:

Old Witch
Destroyer x 2
Assault Kommandos
+ Flame Thrower
Battle Mechaniks
Great Bears
Kossite Woodsmen
Koldun Lord

I love how my Destroyers can use their arcing fire to take out a few enemies before getting too close. Then just before the enemy gets too close I pop my feat which stops the enemy from advancing. I then can get the Assault Kommandos to assault and charge. They also work great for a fire retardant wall when playing against Menoth. Scrapjack runs around and if he happens to get into trouble I will warp him back to the Old Witch and fix him up with the battle Mechaniks. The Mechaniks also work as a wall to stop charges or range attacks against the old witch. The Great Bears are the body guards or the jack assassinators. Then the cherry on top if I have trouble with a solo trying to sneak around or knock down the warcaster I bring in the Kossite Woodsmen. They just throw a wrench into any battle, because the enemy usually has to turn around to deal with them. I'm also just testing out the Koldun Lord too see if his Power Boost *action is any help, or his Battle Wizard attack.