View Full Version : 1850 Point Speed Freeks Army List

08-10-2014, 07:18 AM
Here's a Speed Freeks army list I've been working on. Suggestions welcome!

HQ: Warboss (Da Finkin' Cap, Power Klaw, Warbike) 120
Painboy (Warbike) 75

Troops: 10 Slugga Boyz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 100
Trukk (Ram, Red Paint) 40
10 Slugga Boyz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 100
Trukk (Ram, Red Paint) 40
10 Slugga Boyz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 100
Trukk (Ram, Red Paint) 40

Fast Attack: 14 Warbikerz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 310
14 Warbikerz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 310
14 Warbikerz, 1 Nob w/ Power Klaw and Bosspole 310

Heavy Support: 5 Lobbas (5 ammo runts) 105
10 Lootas 140

Fortifications: Aegis Line 50 (How much does the quad gun cost?)

Total: 1840

08-10-2014, 09:03 AM
The Lobbas, Lootas, and Aegis Line are all to slow for a propa Speed Freakz force, I'd suggest ditching the gitz for a Dakka-Wagon (Battlewagon with lots of guns) You could probably get 2 for the cost of those things. Give them a Ram, 2x or 3x Big Shootas, Kill-kannon, or go Forgeworld route and toss on a Supa-Cannon. (shares stats with Baslisk gun but isn't barrage)

08-10-2014, 03:09 PM
The idea behind the loota/lobba/aeigs was to hold an objective in my deployment zone. If I swapped them out for a dakkawagon would I place all my objectives in the midfield and my opponents deployment zone?

08-11-2014, 07:19 PM
Pretty much, With all your obj's in mid-field, also place terrain accordingly, This forces your opponent to match your aggressive movements, or sit still and be surrounded. Your main issue is going to be Drop Pods and Outflankers, but forcing a close quarters engagement with lots of targets (Target Saturation) can throw off some people. Something else you can try, if you have access to Forgeworld, is Gun Trukks. They are a Heavy Support unit, and are Trukks (just like your boyz ride in) but are equipped with heavy weapons, like the Flakk-gunz. They come in a squad of 1-3 and can act as your rearguard. Also look at Zhadsnark Da Rippa, his rules are free under Forgeworld's Downloads page, he's the last page of the Dread Mob PDF that is listed on the left side of the webpage. His Warlord Trait makes Bikerz troops, and he can cause quite a lot of damage.