View Full Version : When did you last start an army?

Mr Mystery
08-08-2014, 03:08 PM
How do?

Topic for discussion is as per the thread title. When was the last time you started a new army?

Want to explore this as having just started a new Orky army, I realised that this is the first 40k army I've had a crack at since my Necrons, and those I did on their release.

How about you? How old is your current army? Do you have plans to start a new one? Perhaps you're just happy with what you have, and aren't planning anything at all, let alone the near future.

Tells us Bols. TELLS US! And sod it, a wee poll as well.

08-08-2014, 03:43 PM
Started a space marine army when Tyranid codex came out. (Feel free to guess why.)
Then started an Ork army when Stormklaw came out, with Space Lions (No, screw your wolves, I want lions!) models waiting for the future.

08-08-2014, 03:51 PM
Hmm, hard to say. I've been around long enough that if I were to go for CSM, SM, IG/AM, Orks, 'Nids, Necrons, or Dark Eldar, it could be called re-starting an army, rather than starting (from scratch). I guess it was in the late days of 5th edition that I first started DE, though I put them aside, picked them up again, and put them aside again in the intervening time...

08-08-2014, 03:58 PM
I'd like to start a Hours Hersey Space Wolves/ 6th Legion force, however the book was announced to be pushed back 2 years. I got a few Tactical Marines in Mk2 Crusade armour (my favorite version so far) I'm tempted to change those plans to do World Eaters, as they favor the same armour version and FW has the kits for their special stuff already out. So, I'm still not sure as to what I'm going to do with my HH force plans, kinda undecided atm.
Wait the two years for Wolves, or dig in with W. Eaters...

08-08-2014, 06:54 PM
I've started a new army before 7th came out... (end of april 2014). Though that army is a bit shelved because of 7th as well. I haven't played a game of 7th so it's not really much of a motivation for me to build a new army. The one guy I play with in my area refuses to get into 7th and he's starting to get into other tabletop games, so slim chance he'll get into it.

So I have a starting Eldar force around... my complete force is my Chaos army (Daemons & Chaos marines), but that's been playable for about a year now. It is being expanded every once in a while, mostly just for painting purposes (since plenty of the new models I bought recently I have no real use for except for looking awesome).

08-08-2014, 07:04 PM
I'm ordering the new Space Wolves codex and some assembly tools tonight. I will probably buy a few Wolf Packs tomorrow and then start building.

08-08-2014, 08:12 PM
Most recent army is Dark Angels. Started them around Jan/Feb as I recall. Before that I dunno. Probably Dark Eldar, but I think that was a couple/three years ago now.

Hmm, hard to say. I've been around long enough that if I were to go for CSM, SM, IG/AM, Orks, 'Nids, Necrons, or Dark Eldar, it could be called re-starting an army, rather than starting (from scratch).

That's my situation really. Only armies I never did were Squats, Tau, Necrons and Blood Angels. Gave away my Orks, Tyranids and Cadians. Sold my Ultramarines, Biel Tan Eldar, Valhallans and Tallarn. What I have left now is Inquisition, GK, Sisters, Crimson Fists, Space Wolves, Dark Angels, Ulthwe Eldar, Exodite Eldar, Dark Eldar, Daemons (Tzeentch/Slaanesh mostly with a smattering of other stuff), Alpha Legion, Thousand Sons and Steel Legion/Tanith. Way too many, but admittedly I have been recently tempted to pick up 'Nids again or maybe start a World Eaters army. The FW conversion kits are just too cool looking.

08-08-2014, 11:59 PM
Tau Empire last month.

08-09-2014, 01:31 AM
Well I have been working on a very large IG army and I feel like I could use a treat. So I started a Inquisitor band with lots of very different units. Arbites, Admec, some civilan militia, and with a few allied in Space Marines. Its'a big long confusing list of count as henchmen and allied this and that.

But with rumors of a new grey knights codex, Ill probably will have to hold of on a full army, maybe just for now I'll keep to a count as guard codex. Lame.

I hate it when GW gets in the way of its own stupid game.

08-09-2014, 06:43 AM
I put together a Craftworld Eldar army of about 1200 points over the last couple of months (lots of wraithbone). Now I'm considering a small Space Wolves contingent. I'm all go!

08-09-2014, 07:54 AM
I had to grab some discipline and not start a new army. There was a good deal on some 'nids at a local store and i almost bit on it. But I remembered my "to build" pile was too high and really didn't need to take on another army.

08-09-2014, 09:33 AM
I've got four armies now, which is too many really. I only have myself to blame, guy offered me all of the Orks from AoBR plus 3 or 4 units for £20 and I just couldn't say no, what with the new codex and all

John Bower
08-10-2014, 06:51 AM
I have some 8 or so armies; Orks was most recent to build up (I had a few from Space Crusade and the AoBR ones) but only started them as an actual army last year. Just after I did my Crons. :)
A couple of my armies are small detachments really designed to ally with other armies. But most are >3.5k in size. Biggest is Space Marines who with all the HQ's can stick >7.5k on the table.

Too many? How can you have too many? Probably why I don't win as can't spend enough time with a single army to learn it inside out; but hey winning isn't everything; fun is...

Perturbed Machine Spirit
08-11-2014, 09:31 PM
I just started my first 40k army, Orks!

08-12-2014, 12:50 AM
I started my current army project of my DIY Codex: Black Templars Space Marines a few months before Codex: Chaos Marines 6th Edition release. My previous army was in fact, Chaos Marines, with Tau before them.

How I came to this project was while I was doing Tau, someone presented a challenge of why any Chaos Marines would ally with Tau. So, started working out a story of how a Space Marine chapter was corrupted to be allergic to Psychic presences, where even a Human's presence would be irritating. This allowed the Tau to be a tolerable and almost relaxing presence. I started to get bored with the project, and always had a small love for the Black Templars and so started going to the Loyalist half of my Chaos Marines who managed to escape the corruption, well, mostly. Each time, to ease my transition in to the new army, I would sell off the models I had previously built during my LGS' quarterly Mercenary Market, which would generally leave me with only one army per game.

And that's where I am at now.

I MIGHT do Necrons at some point, if I can comfortably get rid of my Marines. Or, I might try to start making the models for my Gue'nam Wing fandex for gits and shiggles. Of course, if they actually release Sisters in plastic, that will probably toss all of those projects off to the side and start building them instead.

08-12-2014, 02:39 AM
I've been too focussed on trying to complete my chapter of marines to start a new army. But I have recently acquired a decent sized steel legion army that I intend to start working on in a few months time hopefully.

08-12-2014, 02:44 AM
I'd been meaning to start a new army for awhile, I dabbled with IG but really didn't wanna assmble quite that many and decided I'd go with a low model count army. get what I need reasonably fast so that after I could play with "alternative build stuff" so about mid to late july I decided to start Grey Knights.

I was taken by suprise by the new codex.

08-12-2014, 06:19 AM
Well how do you define start?
I now own two units of slayers and a small collection of dwarf heroes having previously never had any dwarfs and only one semi painted WH army previously. But is it an army? certainly not yet I wouldn't think. Is it the start of one? who knows...

Erik Setzer
08-12-2014, 01:17 PM
In a sense, the Orks I'm doing right now are a new Ork army (so I'll have two, that I can combine), and I started them just before the new codex came out. As soon as they're done, I already have all the Space Wolves stuff I already have set up ready to start being assembled and painted, with a few basic army lists so I can plan out units and get them onto the tabletop quicker. (Of course, "done" with my Orks is kind of relative. I have a bunch of units still to assemble and paint in time, but they'll mostly be duplicates, spares, stuff like that.)

- - - Updated - - -

I have some 8 or so armies; Orks was most recent to build up (I had a few from Space Crusade and the AoBR ones) but only started them as an actual army last year. Just after I did my Crons. :)
A couple of my armies are small detachments really designed to ally with other armies. But most are >3.5k in size. Biggest is Space Marines who with all the HQ's can stick >7.5k on the table.

Too many? How can you have too many? Probably why I don't win as can't spend enough time with a single army to learn it inside out; but hey winning isn't everything; fun is...

"Too many?" Heh.

Let's see, just for 40K...

Ready to play:
Orks - Multi-clans
Orks - Blood Axes
Space Marines - Homebrew Chapter 1 (my dad's)
Space Marines - Homebrew Chapter 2 (mine)
Chaos Marines - Iron Warriors
Dark Eldar
Chaos Daemons
Blood Angels (need to finish painting)
Imperial Guard (need painted)

To assemble:
Space Wolves
Chaos Marines - Khorne army

Also have an assembled and painted Knight, plus some various models to use as an Inquisitor and his retinue (and another to use Inquisitor rules to represent a Rogue Trader and his retinue). And all kinds of stuff to make small detachments to add to armies.

08-12-2014, 01:19 PM
Started Imperial Knights in February. Haven’t been inspired to build a new army from the ground up like that in ages.

Lord Ezekial
08-12-2014, 01:22 PM
Most recent has to be my 30k Death Guard. I started it when the first HH book came out, 3 years ago?. It is slowly growing because I am obsessed with having everyone outfitted in the 30k armor style and I have no money for such things at this time haha. Although I have pooled my old death guard 40k army to it when I play.

Stephen 'jasper' Clark
08-12-2014, 01:28 PM
Started my on SM Chapter, but not satisfied with the effort that takes, I'm writing the back story, creating a campaign and made a transfer sheet so that others can use it too... its all gonna be open sourced and available here soon ;)

Victus Mortecarium
08-12-2014, 01:30 PM
I have been buying a new battleforce every month until I have every army.

Gilbert Gordon
08-12-2014, 02:36 PM
I started a Raven Guard force after the release of the new Space Marine codex...and plan to take a break and work on a Space Wolves force, now that I have the new codex.

Andrew Thomas
08-12-2014, 03:41 PM
Still working on Traitor Guard. At some point, I'm going to need to convert some Noise Marines, as well as scratch build a Vortex Aquila Stronghold for my heretics. Also need to acquire some World Eaters and a Juggy-Lord. And the Maynarch and DKK siege lists look fun, so when I have more money, I may just buy a bunch of Hades and Cyclopes.

08-12-2014, 04:17 PM
Played Eldar since the dawn of 2nd edition. Didn't start another army until BA came out last time, and now I couldn't care less about them - thinking about getting rid of them actually since it seems they'll just get a shovelware codex like GK seem to be getting.

Kyle Wilhoit
08-12-2014, 05:17 PM
I just started up a Custodes army of Grey Knights. But with these new rumors I might have to rethink how I want to do it. And I'm also slowly picking up with a new 30k Salamanders army in addition to my 40k army.

08-13-2014, 04:32 AM
Started a space marine army when Tyranid codex came out. (Feel free to guess why.)
Then started an Ork army when Stormklaw came out, with Space Lions (No, screw your wolves, I want lions!) models waiting for the future.

I also started a space marine army when the tyranid codex came out.... poor poor bugs may you collect dust better than victories.

Darren Richardson
08-13-2014, 06:01 AM
my very first Space Marine Army (and in fact 40k army) was the Black Omega's, back when 3rd ed came out, but I was never happy with the paint job (my skills were poor at the time) so I flogged them off on ebay years ago, I then started up another Space Marine army, but couldn't get the paint scheme right.

This time though I kept them and have finally finished stripping the figures down, and now combined with several boxes of Marines which I got over several months at half price, I know have an almost complete Company of them, which I am preparing to paint as Red Templars.

At the same time I brought DV box set for half price plus a couple of boxes of Tratior marines and a box of trator termies and the lord box set, so thats three armies so far I'm working between right.....

But like a true Nerd, I got carried away when buying parts off of eBay......

And I've ended up with about 25 classic RTBO and 2nd Ed plastic marines, about 10 classic metal termy's, and several assorted metal 2nd ed marines.... not to forget the classic Razorback :D


Like a True Nerd (tm) I haven't really been able to plan for any army, as I've brought stuff on a whim or because I can use it to convert with....

Like the Grey Knights Marines box set and the 3 Imperial Guard Cadian sets.....

So I have on the go at present.

Space Marines (Red Templars)
Chaos Marines (as yet undecided allegaince)
Space Marines (Dark Angels)
Classic 1st/2nd Space Marines (as yet undecided)
Imperial Guard (as yet undecided, may use as Inq and convert them)

Thats one hell of a lot of painting for the rest of the year!

08-13-2014, 01:31 PM
I started my Imperial Guard army about 10 years ago. I would have started Orks and Chaos, but for lack of money and time. As it stands, I'm probably not going to start another army until my kids are in college. My oldest is 7, so that's gonna be a while.

Darren Richardson
08-13-2014, 04:19 PM
I started my Imperial Guard army about 10 years ago. I would have started Orks and Chaos, but for lack of money and time. As it stands, I'm probably not going to start another army until my kids are in college. My oldest is 7, so that's gonna be a while.

wellllll, you could collect another regiment of the IG, perhaps one of the ones they made models for but you somehow never got round to buying, slowly buying a few at a time over a few years, you'd still have just one army that way, one army in a bigger army :D

08-13-2014, 10:37 PM
I started a Tau Farsight Enclaves army a few weeks after the release of that supplement. The maneuverability and firepower of an army composed of XV8 crisis suits and the advantage of being a Bound-list, made me happier than a clam.

About a year and half ago, I started building my Imperial Armor Battlegroup army. I now have almost 30 Leman Russ tanks...and I think I need more.

Darren Richardson
08-14-2014, 05:32 AM
I now have almost 30 Leman Russ tanks...and I think I need more.

not enough, you need more, more is always good, that game table should be creaking with the weight of all that armoured fury sitting ontop of it :D

08-14-2014, 10:29 AM
not enough, you need more, more is always good, that game table should be creaking with the weight of all that armoured fury sitting ontop of it :D

The last Apoc game I was at a guy told me beforehand "Hey, you have some tanks right? Since you're IG? Bring some to the Apoc game." I agreed. When the game day happened and I showed up, I became taking out all the tanks and lining them up. By the eleventh or twelfth tank, one of the guys on the opposing force shook his head and said "guess we should start packing away things now." lol

Jayson Latimer
08-16-2014, 08:55 PM
Just started deldar

08-17-2014, 01:22 AM
The last Apoc game I was at a guy told me beforehand "Hey, you have some tanks right? Since you're IG? Bring some to the Apoc game." I agreed. When the game day happened and I showed up, I became taking out all the tanks and lining them up. By the eleventh or twelfth tank, one of the guys on the opposing force shook his head and said "guess we should start packing away things now." lol

We have a guy like that at our LGS. When he runs Apoc, he covers the Deployment Zone across three tables and has to play Tetris while Deploying just to fit it all in.

08-17-2014, 03:06 AM
Tetris Deployment is a fun pregame experience...sometimes.

08-17-2014, 09:04 AM
well i mean i haven't technically started a new army in a while but i continue to work on a build several armies simultaneously. it all comes down to what i am doing like i have a small eldar force there's tau. but i spent the last month working on deamons and chaos. so it all depends on what is on my painting table at any given time. i have a general rule of thumb where i cannot and will not buy something for an army when i still have units that are grey primed or in box. so its like oh i want that... but i cannot get that because skulltaker has to be finished and oh ya all those deamons you got off ebay... finish them first... thats usually how my mental thought goes. it all depends on my level of self control. heck i have units that i have painted and forgot i even had and never used... so ya hi my name is sean and i am addicted to warhammer 40k....

08-17-2014, 09:42 AM
I have been playing my terribly painted (!) CSM and Daemons for a couple of years, dabbled with a few others, Orks, Grey Knights, but started with a new Imperial Fists army a few months ago, which Im still getting built up and painted.