View Full Version : Pask Loadout and other panzer questions.

08-08-2014, 12:52 PM
Hey chaps

What do you think the best loadout for Pask is? Currently been doing Punisher/HB.

However, I am thinking of Punisher, with Lascannon and MM sponsons. So if I want to really hurt tanks like I mean it, I can. Is this overkill?

Also, what do you think he should be run with?

I have been pairing him with demolishers for his split fire order.

Lastly, I don't 'get' executioners. I can't be arsed to mathammer but, excepting that Autocannons can glance AV13, I can't see why you would ever take executioner over punisher - weight of fire wins every time.

Answers on a post card,


08-08-2014, 01:46 PM
Have I got the name wrong btw - I am talking about the TL autocannon tank?

08-08-2014, 01:57 PM
I'm not sure about the exact tactical choices required for the different Russ variants, but the Executioner is the big plasma cannon. The TL Autocannon variant is the Exterminator. (And then there's the Eradicator. At least they're a little easier to remember than Baneblade variants.)

08-08-2014, 02:00 PM
I would not team up anything else to the punisher but stuff that gives more shots. So HBs and Hv Stubber (three more shots of BS4 preferred enemy is no laughing matter. Pask with split fire and 2 Demolishers is a nice combo. Especially with the split fire.

The Exterminator (two twinlinked ACs) does not compete with the punisher. It has a different task to hit light armoured units preferably open topped ones.

Also don't forget the Eradicator (no-cover nova big blast) although it shots a big blast it is not ordinance. So you can followup with full BS HvBolter shots. Throw the HvStubber on for good measure.

08-08-2014, 02:05 PM
Punisher is gatling. Executioner is plasma. Exterminator is quad Autocannon.

Pask and Punisher is sound because the higher BS means the Punisher cannon actually starts to be damaging to anything other than orks/gaunts. Given that it also becomes Rending, it can actually start to threaten tanks (5+6+3 = glancing hit on a Land Raider!). I mean, yeah, it's still not as good as a dedicated anti-tank, but you could use it for that in a pinch.

The Executioner is kinda specific TEQ killer, and what with the Gets Hot! rule affecting tanks, I wouldn't, but then, I'm not a huge risk-taker.

The brilliance of the Exterminator and its autocannon is that with Rending, it can reliably threaten tanks, and at greater range than the Punisher, not to mention that it can likewise reliably threaten fliers, and it can chew through MC and their ilk, especially with BS4 and twin-linked. Yes, you lack the weight of fire, and get less hits, but the trade off is versatility: the Punisher remains primarily anti-infantry, the Exterminator can handle pretty much anything. Plus, autocannon have hellacious range by comparison to many other armies. If you can remain out of enemy range all battle, you render all their shooting useless.

I don't think there's a 'right' answer. I would lay my thoughts on Pask down as follows:
Demolisher: too many points, becomes hideous fire-magnet, dies before killing much of anything due to close ranged weaponry.
Leman Russ: nicely general - take only if you have no more specific role.
Punisher: goes from mundane on its own to premier infantry killer with Pask inside.
Exterminator: Swiss Army tank - can do a little of everything, but nothing exceptionally.
Executioner: TEQ killer, fire magnet. Too many points for my liking.
Vanquisher: Premier tank killer. High levels of accuracy and mobility, plus armourbane means that whatever tank you point this at will die.
Eradicator: cheapest option. Take to save points, or if you're up against Tau and watch them evaporate.

Overall, I'd go either Punisher or Vanquisher, but whatever you do, tool up for the assigned task, and that one alone - there's nothing in the middle of the road but dead pheasants. Punisher gets 3 x Heavy Bolters (or maybe Heavy Bolter and Plasma Cannon if your meta has lots of TEQ); Vanquisher gets Lascannon and nowt else. Just use the other tanks you have to take to compensate if you're worried about taking all comers.

Mr Mystery
08-08-2014, 02:06 PM
I'd say Vanquisher with three Heavy Bolters and a Pintel.

The range and armourbane cannot be whacked when you absolutely, positively must hurt that enemy tank.

Heavy Bolters and Pintel are there for knacking infantry.

Would certainly be my choice in lower points games where flexibility is of greater importance.

08-08-2014, 02:28 PM
I'd forgotten pintle, good shout. Not sure about vanquisher - I can pen the buggers but not blow them up! I have had so much luck with rending punisher that I think I will keep that turret.

Roll 20 - get 3 x 1s, 3 x 2s. Discard the 2s. Re-roll the 1s. Every 2 turns 1 should come up 1 again. So say 16 dice hit. Then roll to pen - you want 6's. So you roll 2 from 16 rounding down. You can then re roll all 14 fails. You get another 2. So 4 rending. I'd hope for at least 1 x 14 overall, possibly 2 and if you are paired with anti tank then Pask's buddies finish the job.

I think I have a mental block gauging all opposition against MEQ - so whilst Pask can probably do 4 x S7 wounds with the exterminator, I would expect that only to result in 1 wound - against my rough mathhammer above where you have 2 rends minimum before re-rolling 1s for preferred enemy.

Mr Mystery
08-08-2014, 02:34 PM
Exterminator is betterer against light vehicles.

The superdakkagatling one will barely tickle Killa Kans. Exterminatordakkagun will blow their silly little legs off!

08-08-2014, 02:41 PM
I've run the Executioner Plasma beast with my Guard to great effectiveness, the trick is to throw Prescience on them with a Primaris Psyker (which are fairly key to IG right now anyway, imo). With 5 blast markers and AP2, any unit that bunches up in the slightest just disintigrates. However, I would not likely put Pask in it; his extra BS doesn't make a significant difference over the normal for blasts and his special shot for the Executioner isn't very impressive. Pask is probably best suited for the Punisher Gatling tank, simply because of the quantity of Rending fire, or the Vanquisher for sniping enemy tanks (extra bonus hilarity if you can park on the Skyfire node objective and shoot down the Flying Doghouse, er Stormfang).

08-08-2014, 02:55 PM
Dwest - would prescience not just enableyou to re-roll scatter - but not the gets hot dice? Gets hot is for me the main draw back of the Executioner.

08-08-2014, 03:29 PM
Dwest - would prescience not just enableyou to re-roll scatter - but not the gets hot dice? Gets hot is for me the main draw back of the Executioner.

Allows you to re-roll both.

Check Gets Hot and Rerolls to hit

08-08-2014, 06:17 PM
Remember that Pask's Crack Shot rule lets you reroll to Pen. While expensive, I've had massive success running a Pask Punisher with Multimeltas and a Lascannon. Becomes a reliable Tank/MC hunter that can lay down the hurt on almost anything. Paired with an Executioner to utilise the Preferred Enemy trait to reroll Gets Hot and Wounding throws of 1, he makes the Executioner a real nasty thing to face.

I don't rate him in a Vanquisher, as while he becomes extremely reliable to Hit and to Pen, a simple 4+ Cover can really hurt his damage output, and it doesn't have the tank popping AP1 most other one-shot guns roll with, so it's a bit underwhelming once it gets through. Via the sheer volume of Rending, rerolling dice, a Punisher trumps it every time, has a better range affinity with Multimeltas that at S8 base and rerolling to Pen can add some more hurt against AV13 and under. Overall it seems like the best tank IMO, though it demands bravery and support, but such is the mo

09-11-2014, 07:41 PM
I strongly agree with CoffeGrunt in all particulars. The Punisher turret does the most damage against all targets, even AV14, and since this means he naturally wants to shoot the hardest target available the lascannon and hull multi-meltas are natural complements. A Demolisher or Executioner is an excellent complement. If you take the Executioner you are going to make use of Pask's built-in warlord trait to keep it from getting hot and re-roll your 1s to wound, which will be all your failures most times (I hear 2+ with rerolls is A Good Thing). You'll also usually be using Smite At Will!, since (as said before) Pask targets hard stuff and the Executioner will typically want to hurt infantry. A Demolisher also does the job: it has the same range profile as Pask, and a similarly anti-everything gun. In fact, the closer matchup in firepower means you can use Strike and Shroud on occasion and can tolerate failed orders better than the Executioner.

Don't put him in a Vanquisher.

If you want something with a bit more range, try the Exterminator. It also picks up Rending and is innately twin-linked, which (when combined with Pask's armor pen re-rolls) makes the Exterminator your second-best anti-vehicle option.

09-11-2014, 08:25 PM
I usually outfit Pask with either punisher or exterminator, with his partners bearing vanquishers (if he has the exterminator) or themselves being punishers to match Pask. The fact that pask as you warlord gives preferred enemy is great for the whole unit taking punishers.

This Dave
09-12-2014, 08:54 AM
Not Pask related but a similar tank commander related question.

I'm working on a tank army based around the Steel Host formation from Sanctus Reach. Its special formation rule is that every vehicle from the formation within 12" of the commander gets Preferred Enemy. My plan is to have the TC and his wingman both be in Vanquishers with Lascannons to provide long range anti-vehicle since between the TC's BS 4 and the Preferred Enemy reroll they should be fairly accurate. Any better ideas on how to equip the command unit or does this look good enough?

Lord Krungharr
09-12-2014, 04:09 PM
With all the Knights running around, the Pask Punisher with MM sponsons and a lascannon seem super awesome to me. The rending, reroll AP means they can handle pretty much everything. Exterminator's okay, but you're not gonna rend much, and I feel the tanks should be on the move anyways. You can ram stuff with Str 10 hits with a Leman Russ, what great fun!