View Full Version : tried a new list in latest battle

01-24-2010, 10:01 AM
Although its been a few weeks since I had a chance to play some WOR. Got together with usual opponent and fought out a 2k battle. He brought dwaves and army of the dead, with Aragorn, Radagast, and gimli. 3 bolt throwers, a unit 4 co of archers, 6 co of warriors with above heroes, and a second 6 co of warriors. and 8 co of AOD. Also some scouting unit of 4 co and hero. All above units had a capt and full cmd. He placed both warrior units on the flanks interspersed the bolt throwers in the middle. And place the AOD and the archers in the middle. Facing him on the right flank was 1 co orc archer in woods, 2 co of warg riders and bows. followed behind by a 3 co of easterling cataprhacts, with Khamul and capt. next 3 co of easterling archers led by Betrayer, behind them 3 co of easterlings led by amador. My center on a hill 2 bolt thowers and a warcatapult. Also a 4 co of morrannon orcs, full cmd, a second 4 co of morranon orcs led by the dark marshal. And 3 co of blk guard led by gothmog. And a last 1 co of orc archers.

As the battle went the the combo of radagast aragorna and gimili was powerfull. The tranquility ability kept me from hitting him with 3 formations in a combat, allowing him to pick out the one he wanted to fight. Only Khamuls special ability let me prevail. By games end I had lost the warg riders and the cataphracts, but had seriously mauled aragorns unit, reducing it well below half. His archers in the center were wiped out by the morannon orcs and posied to assault aragorn unit. all but one unit of his bolt throwers were destroyed, mostly by my artillery and then one unit was ran over by the morranon orcs that ate the archers. The betrayer and his archers did well as usuall and were also setup to pinchusion aragorns unit. The scouting unit if dwarves turned up in my backfield, near my artillery. They were then set apon by Amador and the easterlings who did not have an impresive showing. His rampage only took out 11 models. When not killing his artillery mine also broght down the AOD to below half its strenght. The Blk guard never was able to get in the fight and only on the last turn were they engaged. The warriors ability to lock shields is formidable and kept me from doing more damage. Taking their defense to a 10 is hard to get around. All in all it was a great fight my dice were hot on the first turn and i had a good run with magic. Towards the end it settled down and they were average. I think had we gone a few more turns instead of ending early that I would have swept the table. My MVPs would have to be the artllery. without them the AOD would have been more of a threat, and they allowed the other units to shine. But dam gimili , aragorn and radagast, what a combo.:eek: