View Full Version : 1250 Competitive - 2 lists, help me choose - Daemons OR Daemons+CSM

08-07-2014, 01:48 PM
I'm welcoming all feedback on this tournie list.

I know for a fact i'm facing some SM biker lists, dual wraithknight Eldar, heavy flier SM, obj sec spam CSM.

List 1


Chaos Daemons: Combined Arms Detachment

Kairos Fateweaver

Herald of Tzeentch - D6 Exalted Daemonic Reward, Disc of Tzeentch, Exalted Locus of Conjuration, Psyker Level 3

Herald of Tzeentch - Psyker Level 3

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch x 10
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch x 10

Fast Attack
Screamers of Tzeentch x 8

Crimson Slaughter Allied Detachment

Sorcerer, Bike, Prophet of the Voices, Spell familiar

Chaos Cultists x 10

Fast Attack
Chaos Spawn x 4

List 2

Chaos Daemons: Combined Arms Detachment

Kairos Fateweaver

Herald of Tzeentch - D6 Exalted Daemonic Reward, Disc of Tzeentch, Exalted Locus of Conjuration, Psyker Level 3

Herald of Tzeentch - D6 Daemonic Reward, Psyker Level 3

Pink Horrors of Tzeentch x 10
Pink Horrors of Tzeentch x 10

Fast Attack
Screamers of Tzeentch x 7

Heavy Support
Daemon Prince - Flight, Warp-forged Armour, Daemon of Tzeentch, Psyker Level 3

08-16-2014, 02:05 PM
List 1
In guessing you're looking at summoning. Your prophet of the voices means that the sorcerer has to ride around on his own. Easy pickings and a Waste of 30 pts. You would be better taking him off the bike, losing POTV and giving him 2 extra levels and having him sit in cover with the cultists.

08-17-2014, 03:07 AM
Would a swift right-hook to the throat be an appropriate way to help you choose?

08-18-2014, 01:41 AM
Would a swift right-hook to the throat be an appropriate way to help you choose?

Is there a purpose to the nerd rage or is that just generic BOLS forum pleasantries?

08-18-2014, 01:57 AM
On list 2: the tzeentch DP I'd rather run greater rewards. You can still get 3+ armor but are likely to get something similar / better to the warp forged armor on a roll

4+ FNP, or Reroll invul generally makes him more survivable in my experience, and if your meta includes bikes he is grav proof

Where are you running the locus of conjuration? If it's with the screamers perhaps it would be better to bring more disc of tzeentch casters so they can also benefit from the locus

08-18-2014, 02:22 AM
Is there a purpose to the nerd rage or is that just generic BOLS forum pleasantries?

Hardly nerd rage. Just a simple, deadpan reaction I have to Gouda sprinkled with Parmesan.