View Full Version : Imperial Fists 2000pts

08-07-2014, 01:24 AM
Morning all, been thinking about doing Imperial Fists and here's a 2000 point list I threw together.

- Relic Blade
- Artificer Armour
- Storm Bolter
- Melta Bombs
- Digital Weapons

Total = 155pts

Tactical Squad
- Space Marines x5
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Veteran Sergeant
- Rhino

Total = 210pts

Tactical Squad
- Space Marines x5
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Veteran Sergeant
- Rhino

Total = 210pts

Tactical Squad
- Space Marines x5
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Veteran Sergeant
- Rhino

Total = 210pts

Tactical Squad
- Space Marines x5
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Veteran Sergeant
- Rhino

Total = 210pts

Centurion Devastator Squad
- Missile Launcher x3
- Grav-Cannon and Grav-Amp x3
- Omniscope

Total = 290pts

- Siege Shield

Total = 135pts

Devastator Squad
- Heavy Bolter x4

Total = 110pts

Sternguard Veteran Squad
- Veteran x5
- Melta Bombs

Total = 235pts

Sternguard Veteran Squad
- Veteran x5
- Melta Bombs

Total = 235pts

C&C welcome.

08-07-2014, 01:39 AM
How are you planning on using the list?

Are the tactical squads going to be combat squads?

08-07-2014, 01:46 AM
Something along the lines of - Tactical Squads advance towards objectives near the enemy in their Rhinos at full size, Captain walks it with the Centurions, Sternguard advance both sides of the board through cover, Devastators setup next to an objective and shoot anything that gets with 36" and the Vindicator goes for heavy targets/large groups of the enemy.

08-07-2014, 01:51 AM
My concern would be the heavy weapons mixed with rhinos, so you will be moving so only doing snap shots.

08-07-2014, 02:46 AM
Never had much of an issue with it.

08-07-2014, 02:49 AM
Fair enough, I just assume turn 1 you are embarked so can't fire, turn 2 you disembark so can only fire sanp shots so you only have 3 or 4 turns shooting.

Why do you run veteran sargeants over regular ones?

08-07-2014, 04:08 AM
Your Devastators and Devastator Centurions aren't really making much use of the chapter tactics. They should be using anti-vehicle weapons like missile launchers or lascannons.

Not seeing much point in the Veteran Sergeants as you don't have any close combat gear on them.

08-07-2014, 04:30 AM
Well I could go twin-linked Lascannon and and swap Heavy Bolters for Missile Launchers, move the Heavy Bolters over to the Tactical Squads.

They'll have Chainsword and Bolt Pistol.

Mad Cat
08-07-2014, 04:45 AM
HQ: Fine, decent in a challenge etc. Other than that he doesn't add much else. How badly do you want to paint your army yellow? You could swap him for pedro and hey presto your sternguard get objective secured!

Troops: Solid. You could add combimeltas or combiflamers to the squad leaders if you have points to spare.

Heavy: Vindicators are fun. The centurians are a little vulnerable as their grav amps are limited range and so devastating that decent opponents will keep their distance until they are thinned out. I would take ML+LC on them for the better range and to abuse the tank hunter rule as much as possible. Devastators are nice & cheap and benefit from the bolter drill and occasionally tank hunter too if shooting sentinels, rhinos or venons.

Elites: These are also deadly, just as easy to kill as a normal marine and as you have them footslogging they lack maouverability. I would move 2 rhinos from troops to the sternguard and arm those TAC sqauads with long range weapons like LC+Plasma. Sternduard are now a mobile threat. Or you could drop 5 sternguard (or downgrade the HQ to a chep librarian) then add 2 rhinos or drop pods for them and maybe a few combimeltas thrown in.

08-07-2014, 05:03 AM
I think the point Anggul and I were trying to make, is that the Tactical Sarges aren't equipped for CC and indeed you really want tacs shooting not fighting, so if you drop down to normal sarges you can save a few points.

The other thing I would consider is that unless you play in fairly heavy amounts of dangerous terrain dropping the seige sheild from the vindi

08-07-2014, 05:16 AM
Here's the reworked list -

- Relic Blade
- Artificer Armour
- Storm Bolter
- Melta Bombs
- Digital Weapons

Total = 155pts

Tactical Squad
- Space Marines x5
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Rhino

Total = 210pts

Tactical Squad
- Space Marines x5
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Rhino

Total = 210pts

Tactical Squad
- Space Marines x5
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Rhino

Total = 210pts

Tactical Squad
- Space Marines x5
- Meltagun
- Missile Launcher
- Rhino

Total = 210pts

Centurion Devastator Squad
- Missile Launcher x3
- Twin-linked Lascannon x3
- Omniscope

Total = 290pts


Total = 125pts

Devastator Squad
- Heavy Bolter x4

Total = 110pts

Sternguard Veteran Squad
- Veteran x5
- Rhino

Total = 265pts

Sternguard Veteran Squad
- Veteran x5
- Rhino

Total = 265pts

2000 points total.

EDIT: Actually it's 2010pts. Do I really need the Omniscope? Or should I dump the Digital Weapons on the Captain?

08-12-2014, 07:44 AM
I would drop the missile launchers on the tac squads since they'll be moving in the rhinos, and most often not wanting to all waste bolter shots at an armored target. I'd drop the omni-scope if you're really strapped for points because 3 missiles and 3 lascannon shots aren't enough to really wreck multiple targets when split... you'll need them all on the same thing (I run this loadout all the time, and not once have I felt the omni-scope paid off with this loadout... grav is another story though). I would give the Sternguard 2 heavy flamers each to fire from that rhino... that's a nasty unit to remove from an objective with a lot of units you see now on the field trying to swoop in... like Scouts, Swooping Hawks, Warp Spiders, Jet Bikes, etc...
If you have any points left from the missile launchers (should have about 20) I'd give all the tac squads plasma instead of melta, but that's just my preference (or give them all melta bombs). I don't like to rely on the tac squads to crack open vehicles... I feel it's a waste of their bolters, which in this case are very effective up-close.

Hope that helps.

08-15-2014, 01:17 PM
Marine heavy is where the Imperial Fists are at. But I do think youre running the whole list back to front and missing out on all of the lovely Chapter Tactics?

*You have your anti tank weaponry on Tac Marines, who are more effective with bolters / heavy bolters.
*You have heavy bolters on your Devastator squad, who are more effective with missiles / lascannons (tank hunters).
*You are paying a premium for the sternguard to sit in rhinos, who are best close up out of a drop pod, and you are paying a premium for the Sternguard Sgt.
*Your captain is expensive for his stat line, as he is gonna be mostley sitting back you'd get better value out of Pedro or another Chapter Master, and he would combo well with your Sternguard

+ Drop the Heavy bolters off the Dev Squad for 4 lascannons, buy 5 additional marines for wound soaking the lascannons, consider combat squadding (cost -110 points).
+ Make one pack of Sternguard 10 man strong, exchange the Rhino for a Drop Pod and combat squad them. These will be your Turn 1 big game hunters/cover ignoring troop destroyers (cost -120 points)
+ Drop the missile launchers and meltaguns off the tac squads for melta bombs and heavy bolters, and you save 10 points per squad (+40 points).
+ Lose the other pack of Sternguard and their Rhino (+265 points)
+ Replace Captain with Pedro (-30 points)

And you've still got 45 points left to play with.