View Full Version : Playing 1850pt vs Orks this week. What do I need to know to face them?

08-05-2014, 03:07 PM
As the title says. I will be playing my Sisters vs Orks this week at 1850pts and have not yet faced the new codex.
What rules/units/combos, etc should I be on the look out for? I do have their codex and am skimming through it.
What has been you experience playing or facing the green horde?

08-05-2014, 04:35 PM
I massively underestimated the green mob when I first played against the new Codex. Thought my T6, multi-wound guys (Chaos Lord & Nurgle Spawn) could handle it, but 30+ melee attacks even at Str 3 managed to push through too many wounds, not even counting the two Power Klaw-wielding guys (one taking challenges, the other hiding and hitting from the back-end of the mob).

There's a lot of Str 7 and 8 shooting (via Rokkit Launchers and Lootas), but it's very inconsistent and my AV11 Rhinos were actually safe through the whole game as the Orks had more threatening targets to shoot at.

I had flamers and other template weapons, but painboyz and meks w/ KFF make the mobs very hard to kill still - if your opponent uses Mogrok's Bossboyz formation, he can get 2 painboyz and 3 meks with KFFs in a battle-forged army and at 1850 points it won't be too hard to fit in.

Also, a Mega-Armored Boss with FNP (from painboy) and a lucky stick is a huge pain to deal with due to all those re-rolls.

Personally, I don't see anything in the SoB Codex that I'd consider ideal for this match up. Immolators may be good, but they need to get close to use those flamers, which means they need to weather Loota/DeffKopta shots at the very least beforehand or survive being hit by a PK immediately afterwards. Personally, I'd try some Demolisher cannons (bypasses FNP and ID's those T5 characters) if you're willing to ally them in. Acro-flagellants look like a decent way to counter a mob, especially since Orks are I2, but you don't have a good way of getting them into combat unless you took them as part of an Inquisitorial Detachment and put them into a Landraider.

08-05-2014, 05:27 PM
I do lack templates, but Rending Heavy bolters and 50 Battle Sisters may do alright.
I do have Knight Errant (though I agree the 2 shot Battle Cannon may be better...) and may just charge into 1-2 large mobs and stomp them to death!

08-05-2014, 05:55 PM
Rending heavy bolters aren't necessary; Orks wear T-shirts for saves already. A knight is the way to go. Just target those Tank Bustas before they try and kill it.

08-05-2014, 06:43 PM
Yeah, I don't think Orks have a particularly good answer for a Knight short of taking a Stompa.

Even if they took Mega Armor Nobs with Killsaws, you should be able to destroy their transport with relative ease and then outpace them (if you felt you needed to) with your 12" movement vs. their 6" and Slow and Purposeful.

Just a matter of clearing enough of them off the table for your own units to claim objectives.

08-05-2014, 08:20 PM
one thing i would say is it all depends on your friends ork collection. there are alot of units in the codex that people are skipping over and plain under estimating. deff koptas are honestly the best anti tank i can think of for orks forget tank bustas i want maneuverability twin link rockets and their 2 wound models.

lootas are still a must have in most armies and honestly they still throw down a ton of shots and i believe with dual cad that them being heavies isn't a problem. lootas in a battle wagon are a hard unit to shift.

stormboyz are just plain nasty with them being able to move as fast as they do your looking at a potential turn 2 charge.

painboyz make any unit nasty

the characters add alot to the units and just create as much chaos as they can.

mega armour is still an evil evil thing.

those who say fearless is dead for orks aren't looking at the different ways to make them fearless.

also 2 words for you GREEN TIDE .... fearless giant mob of orks and if they invest the points into the unit you have to kill them all and just looking at all those models can be taxing on the mental game.

08-09-2014, 10:15 PM
Well I won the game by 1 VP (Cleanse and Control).
He had Gazkul, 4x Mega Nobz, 3 units of Boyz, 1 unit Gretchin, and a Mek in 2+ armor. Oh, and of course a Morkanaught and a Stompa!
I stole the initiative and in turn 1 my Knight Errant and both Exorcists wipe out Gazkul and his Mega Nobz.
Later my Knight assaulted the Stompa and removed 11 Hull Points in 1 turn before being cut in half. But an Exorcist then made quick work of the 1HP Stompa.

By the end, I had 2/3 of my army and he only had the Gretchin unit...and when we counted up VPs it was a tie! Then I realized I also had linebreaker, so a narrow win for the Adeptus Sororitas!

That Stompa scared the heck out of me!