View Full Version : Illic Nightspear

08-05-2014, 09:00 AM
Here's an Illic Nightspear that I painted up to match a force of Exodites. Overall, I was rather happy with this mini- his pose is quite nice and the details came out well.


Stephen 'jasper' Clark
08-06-2014, 01:54 PM
Cracking job mate... I especially like the gems, as they really pop out at you. You are right too, his pose is very good.

08-07-2014, 07:59 AM

This guy is really a good example of some of the things GW's sculptors are capable of.

08-07-2014, 08:21 AM
Very nice work. The muted colours look great on this model. Illic's a cool model too although finecast was a disaster of a product overall. :)

08-08-2014, 08:27 AM
To be honest, I've found that finecast has gotten better over time. The first few runs of it had terrible problems with their quality control, and most of the finecast minis that I encountered had issues with them that should have kept them off of the sales shelves. Often, characters would show up with tons of air bubbles, half of their weapons would be missing, they'd have huge gashes in the most detailed parts of the mini, and mold lines would be irreparable.

But more lately, I've found that I don't run into these problems very often, and in some cases, I actually prefer the finecast mini over the metal one (because the lighter material is easier to balance on the smallish bases that GW uses).

Even still, I prefer the finer resin minis that I get from pretty much every other company over Citadel's finecast (like Studio McVey, Forge World, Kingdom Death, Wyrd, Privateer Press, CMON etc).

It looks to me like GW is discontinuing the experiment, as I don't think we've seen a new Finecast release for quite a while (and it seems like most of them are moving into GW's new "webstore exclusive" territory).