View Full Version : September 20th Timonium Maryland, 2500 point Warhammer Fantasy tournament!

08-04-2014, 03:16 PM
Hey guys, were looking for a few good gamers to fill come to the shop next month for a Warhammer Fantasy Torunament that we wanna host. We have room for 18 people so its a first come first serve situation, with registration and payment the guarantee for entry. Here are the details for the event, if you have any questions please feel free to ask in the thread or ask on our facebook site! We look forward to hosting!

September 20th

Points: 2,500
Entry Fee: $20.00

Registration: 10:00am-10:30am
1st Round: 10:45am-1:35pm
Lunch: 1:35pm-2:35pm
2nd Round: 2:35pm-5:15pm
Break: 5:15pm-5:30pm
3rd Round: 5:30pm-8:00pm
Awards/Wrap-Up: 8:00pm-8:15pm

Tournament Rules

* Games will be played using the Warhammer Fantasy 8th Edition rule set. All the current errata and FAQs available from Games Workshop will be in effect.
* Tamurkhan Chaos Dwarfs are accepted however you may only field one Kdaai Destroyer in your list.
* All models must clearly represent what they are supposed to be. WYSIWYG is the general rule (What You See Is What You Get). However, miniatures need not be produced by any particular manufacturers. Creative use of alternative fantasy models is allowed, as long as the models are clearly representative of their respective unit. If you have any questions about whether your models/units are appropriate, please email the event organizers.
* There will be three games. First round match ups will be randomly determined and a pairing system based on similar victory points will be used to determine the remaining two games.
* This is a Closed-list tournament. Please bring copies of your list to give your opponent after the game
*No fixed terrain. Instead, players take turns placing terrain (and must use all pieces on the table) each game.
*No mysterious terrain

*Character Bans
The following characters are illegal, with the following circumstantial exceptions:
Kairos Fateweaver, Alarielle or The Masque
--Kairos Fateweaver may be taken as long as your entire army consists only of Tzeentch models.
--Alarielle may be taken only if the Banner of the World Dragon in Not taken.
--The Masque may be taken as long as your entire army consists only of Slaanesh models.

Victory Conditions

Victory Points is all that matters
The players with the most will fill our top 3 spots
