View Full Version : 1850 Tournament Ultramarines

07-31-2014, 02:04 PM
Suggestions Welcome!

HQ: Marneus Calgar 275
5 Honor Guard (Relic Blades) 175

Troops: 10 Tactical Marines (Plasma Gun, Combi-Plasma) 165
Rhino 35
10 Tactical Marines (Plasma Gun, Combi-Plasma) 165
Rhino 35
10 Tactical Marines (Melta Gun, Combi-Melta) 160
Rhino 35
10 Tactical Marines (Melta Gun, Combi-Melta) 160
Rhino 35
5 Scouts (Camo Cloaks and Sniper Rifles) 70

Elites: 3 Assault Centurions (twin-linked Melta Guns) 205

Heavy Support: Land Raider (Multi-Melta) 260
Stalker 75

Total: 1850

08-05-2014, 03:02 AM
You have plenty of troops so I would drop the sniper scouts for something more deadly.

Also, what goes in the land raider? Looks like the Honor Guard have no way to get into combat.. I would drop a tactical squad and get a Stormraven in there to deliver the honor guard. You could also benefit from the extra anti-tank it provides. I think the relic blades are too much on the honor guard, I prefer a mix of mauls and axes, but that's just me.. Use whatever you like, just be sure to put them up against the right target. As for the land raider, I'd swap it for a crusader or redeemer to match the close range and capacity you need.