View Full Version : People who act badly when facing a army/list they dislike.

07-30-2014, 04:54 PM
why do i hear people refuse to play a army or a list because apparently its broken? has anyone had this problem before in person.

07-30-2014, 05:26 PM
here is one that's in the same vane but even worse. So how about this one to try one. When you win its because your codex is op and their's is crap. When you loose its because their brilliant generals and your an idiot. that has to be my favorite. you didn't beat them your army beat them because its op and their army lost because its so crappy. me personally if you have a super hard army i can deal with it as long as your not a jerk when playing it. there are some games that you can look at deployment mission or just the armies themselves and see how things are going to play out. if your opponent is a gracious winner and loser it can make a huge difference. If he sits there and curses his dice or his book or your army for being broken then it just makes the experience bad for you both. There is also to consider the idea that some people build and play for different reasons. I find that when you have a good opponent even the toughest lists can be fun to play against it all comes down to attitiude i would say.

07-30-2014, 07:54 PM
Have I had people act very poorly in a game, yes. At the tail end of 5th edition I was playing my Grey Knights in a major tourney and my last opponent was Dark Eldar. I was running the normal psyback list and his was witch spam with like 15+ dark lances. Suffice to say he should by good rights have slaughtered me, but combined with some bad dice early on and IMO a poor plan of attack I pretty much tabled him. However, he spent the entire game from turn 2 onward complaining about how broken my army was, how Stormravens were cheese, my dreads broken, etc. In all honestly I have never before or since seen a player who complained as much as he did about pretty much anything even though it was obvious his list was just as egregious as mine was, yet the fault of his loss was apparently all mine. Short of the Space Wolf player I faced once who actually called a judge over to argue that a pintle mount stormbolter didn't have a 360 degree fire arc I don't think I have ever faced a more unpleasant individual. It's not like he was a kid either. I'm guessing he was in his mid-30's, but he whined worse than a 5-year old throwing a tantrum.

Thankfully the vast majority of players I have faced at the big tournaments over the years have been pleasant and I have enjoyed the games immensely. I try not to let the occasional d-bag ruin the experience for me. Frankly I find more unpleasant people in local events than in the big ones which is why I only really do the latter nowadays.

07-30-2014, 08:30 PM
Yup. People complain about WAAC players and OP armies, but there are just as many sore losers out there that bring a negative feeling to the game as well.

07-30-2014, 08:50 PM
I don't play in tournies so I reserve the right to refuse to play against certain lists in casual play. I play for fun and just watching some dude with an OP Tau list or a Seer Council on Jetbikes chuck dice about for 3 turns isn't fun. It's a waste of time. I don't care about losing (I suck so I pretty much lose most of the time anyway), I just like playing games that are actually fun.

If someone got uppity about your list in a tournie, that's a different story. They have to expect that they could face anything so complaining about an OP list is just the mark of a poor competitor.

07-30-2014, 10:06 PM
My "favorite" example of this type of behavior was at a local 1500 point tournament at the tail end of 6th edition. I was running Nurgle-based CSM and Daemons, including one Heldrake, versus an all-bike White Scars army. I got stomped 0-to-5, but my opponent threw a literal dice-flinging hissy fit over the Heldrake because of how it "destroyed his whole army" and he swore he would never permit the things to be played against him ever again. If he had been on the losing end of that score, maybe I could understand it, but to win and still flip out? That's a special kind of ugly.

07-31-2014, 02:03 AM
one time i saw on a forum someone said ban all SH this would i belive be the impiral Knights this bothered me so i commented and went ok if your banning all SH then i want you to also ban tau and eldar because i've never beaten them and his geniral reponce was hypicritical at best it seemed like he was tailoring his foe army that "you cant play stuff i cant beat"...

The moral of this is if you are going to act this way i will use your method agienst you :)

07-31-2014, 02:38 AM
We have a guy who seems to think that anything with any moderate amount of strength is silly powerful. I once heard him exclaim: 'Seriously?!' when being told what bright lances do. Yeah. Bright lances. It's actually quite funny hearing him from across the club.

Personally I'm of the same mind as Tomgar. I've never actually came up against someone playing some kind of boring army composed of ten of exactly the same thing, but I wouldn't want to spend my precious gaming time watching someone line up a wall of the same thing, roll dice and remove my models. I want to have fun playing the game in a contest of skill and carnage, not be relegated to figurative ball-boy. I see talk of armies of Wave Serpents and wonder why anyone would waste their time playing against such a person, but I guess in a tournament you don't really have much choice.

Mr Mystery
07-31-2014, 02:44 AM
Oh there's many a bad sport out there.

For instance, spectating a game in my local GW. Fairly middling kid against one of the kids who fancied himself as a tournament king. Tournament king had a predictably dull as dishwater netlist, and seemingly knew how to use it.

What he didn't take into account is that his opponent was actually pretty good. Did a decent feint, drawing his opponents beardyboringdeathstar into the open with a 'Flee' charge reaction, and promptly hit in both flanks at the same time, easily winning the combat. In short? He forced an error, and then capitalised on it. In really short? He used tactics to win the game.

Tournament King Kid? Oh....oh.....you just diced me. You shouldn't have won that game. You diced me.

Tournament King Kid's Goons? Yeah. You just diced him. The dice. The diced. You diced him.

Wow! Way to throw teddy from the pram and refuse to take any responsibility for your own tactical blunder. He out played you, fair and square. You got over confident, and he knew how to take you down, and promptly did so.

I've also had people claim I've 'diced them'. Never mind that I'm really rather good at the games, having played them now for...erm...at least 23 years (longer if you count Heroquest!). And in those 23 years, I've had many a bloodied nose and stomped face. Defeats I have learnt from. I've also learned what a big risk actually looks like, and whether or not to go for it (generally, if I'm on the ropes, and it's all about to go a bit Hatstand, I figure sod it, and take the risk....). But no. Nobody could possibly outplay you. It must be divine intervention and luck and that. Can't possibly be someone better at the game than you. Not at all.

07-31-2014, 03:10 AM
We've got a few manchildren here who act like this, mainly due to complete lack of ability to play.

Now, my first army was a Tau army picked up with the 6th Edition Codex, because I'd loved Dark Crusade, a store was just opened by a friend, and I thought I'd start an army. As Tau were literally released the same month, I thought that it was pretty much perfect as I love their aesthetic, fluff, and how they played in Dark Crusade, (very different to the tabletop though.)

I spent the next year receiving constant whining whenever I won a game that it was only because I ran Tau. Nevermind that I'd lost every game for the first six months, more-or-less, nevermind that it had been a constant cycle of adapting my army and playing again until I refined my tactics, learned every stat, weapon and points cost in my Codex off-by-heart, that I'd memorised most of the USRs and such in the rulebook, it was because I played Tau that I won. I never, ever ran the Buffmander builds, Broadside spam or more than one Riptide, and I was still a cheesemonger despite still regularly losing games against certain opponents who I wasn't afraid to admit outplayed me.

I've recently started a Tank Company army of Guard, and people are already crying cheese despite the fact that in the last dozen games I have won two games, though every game has been a tonne of fun. The list is ridiculously brittle because tanks are defenseless in CQC. I had a game where the manager brought a new Freebootaz army up against my army, and he was constantly moaning how cheesy my list was despite the fact that I promised him he'd crush it once he closed. He did, multi-charged with 30 Boyz and killed two Hellhounds, a Deff Dread tore through my Punisher Pask, an Executioner and a Demolisher before my Melta Vets dropped out the Valkyrie to kill it. His Zzap Gunz blew apart my Eradicator and my Chimera of Flamer Vets, it ended up being a massacre but he never stopped complaining.

I had a much more fun game with it against a local Dark Eldar player, though, which ended up being the highlight of my 40K playing so far. He had Raider spam with the odd Venom or Ravager, I had a Tank Company led by a Shadowsword - which I've found definitely doesn't pull its weight after the D nerf - and he got first turn. It was an absolute bloodbath, Flamers burning out Raiders, including one very amusing moment where a Hellhound Flamed the occupants of a Raider, killed a few, blew up the Raider with a natural 6 on Vehicle Damage, then killed a few more! I was cracking open Transports and raining Wyvern fire on them, while his Dark Lances and Haywire Wyches closed and annihilated my Shadowsword as well s most of my tanks.

Ended with a line of smoking Raiders just outside my Deployment, with my Deployment choked with wrecked tanks and Chimera chassis. I had one squad of Scions weaving through the wreckage hunting his Archon at the end, and they brought him down with a lucky Plasma bolt on Overwatch after getting through his 2++ with a Hotshot Lasgun. Tonnes of fun and I ended up just about winning due to Kill Points + Warlord.

07-31-2014, 07:22 AM
I carry a pacifier in my tourney pack... If someone's going to have a fit, I'm still going to have some fun. I was raised in a home with a super strict no whining policy... on the flip side I have no tolerance for it either. :)

I actually enjoy facing OP lists and trying to find ways to work around them and still win the mission. I know this isn't everyone's thing but it is an aspect of the unbalanced hobby we have that I find enjoyable. On the flip side I do not like to play OP lists because for me it's boring to have an artificial advantage.

Mr Mystery
07-31-2014, 07:29 AM
I carry a pacifier in my tourney pack... If someone's going to have a fit, I'm still going to have some fun. I was raised in a home with a super strict no whining policy... on the flip side I have no tolerance for it either. :)

I actually enjoy facing OP lists and trying to find ways to work around them and still win the mission. I know this isn't everyone's thing but it is an aspect of the unbalanced hobby we have that I find enjoyable. On the flip side I do not like to play OP lists because for me it's boring to have an artificial advantage.

I'm much the same.

Gimme a challenge, see if I can crack that army wide open. Sometimes I can, other times takes a few attempts. Long as your opponent isn't a membrum virile* about things, it's all good fun.

*For instance, the Stunty player who feels castling on the two hills he insisted be in his deployment zone strutting around like a tactical genius.

07-31-2014, 12:01 PM
It really is way less about the games rules and who you play with, i kinda like this "unbalanced" ruleset a lot, allows for a lot of variety. While it allows for some really hard to beat lists if it's in the right group of players it's also a lot of fun.

As to the original post, I've never seen it in person. If someone in my group fields a list that might be considered unfair we always let each other know, a simple hey I'm taking multiple knights, or I'm taking a whatever-star. Makes it more fun for both sides, I can't really imagine it being fun to roll over your opponent with knights when he doesn't have enough to actually threaten them.

I don't really do random pick up games at the local shop, we kinda have our group. And at tournaments I just expect it, making a take all comers list in the current rules set is amazingly hard. If your TO allows allies and super heavies, there will probably be some lists you just won't be setup to handle. Same goes for them though. Even if they don't allow allies there's still some nasty lists so it's not a fix all.

07-31-2014, 12:40 PM
It really is way less about the games rules and who you play with, i kinda like this "unbalanced" ruleset a lot, allows for a lot of variety. While it allows for some really hard to beat lists if it's in the right group of players it's also a lot of fun.

As to the original post, I've never seen it in person. If someone in my group fields a list that might be considered unfair we always let each other know, a simple hey I'm taking multiple knights, or I'm taking a whatever-star. Makes it more fun for both sides, I can't really imagine it being fun to roll over your opponent with knights when he doesn't have enough to actually threaten them.

Yeah normaly i will say I will hint i am taking a low model count high point costing models so they know that its going to be a elite army but not sure what army after all i dont tell them units because of fear of list taloring if i am using my knights and seeing his hole army with nothing but melta and lascannons :P

I don't really do random pick up games at the local shop, we kinda have our group. And at tournaments I just expect it, making a take all comers list in the current rules set is amazingly hard. If your TO allows allies and super heavies, there will probably be some lists you just won't be setup to handle. Same goes for them though. Even if they don't allow allies there's still some nasty lists so it's not a fix all.

I normaly when bringing my knights hint "I am bringing a low model count high point costing army" this tells them it is a elite army but not what units they could think i am bringing grey knights or a unbound list of big models saves them thinking "oh hes bringing knights i best load every model with melta and las cannons".

07-31-2014, 04:35 PM
"oh hes bringing knights i best load every model with melta and las cannons".

To be fair, fighting an ork horde with nothing but melta and lascannon is a pretty damned heroic way to play.

"Oh your squad of thirty Gretchin? Yes, my three lascannon will handle them just fine."


08-02-2014, 02:10 AM
i saw in a Miniwargaming Apoc match that a impiral gaurdsmen killed a titan :P i think it was a 100k point match one.

08-02-2014, 03:49 AM
I've killed a Stompa with a squad of Demolitions Veterans before, that was amusing. Put 7HP of damage onto it, though the squad was massacred in turn. I'd worn it down to 3HP with fire from Pask and a Demolisher, with a Devildog sneaking behind it. Bugger took a lot of fire...