View Full Version : Hordes: Bear Cavalry....Because Bears are Terrifying

07-30-2014, 11:00 AM
The new Hordes book Exigence has some fantastic new models, including a new Trollblood Warlock riding a bear. And guess what? His stat lines are grizzly! So the last time we saw Borka he was drunk and it was hilarious. This time around he has some amazing background about turning his life around which I care nothing about. Why? Because all I see is a drunken troll with a chain-bomb, sitting on a pissed off Polar Bear. Do I need any more reason to be sold on this model? Let's take a look at...

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More... (http://www.belloflostsouls.net/2014/07/hordes-bear-cavalrybecause-bears-are.html)