View Full Version : Damnation of Pythos.

07-29-2014, 02:30 PM
So, going by the title, has anyone read the new HH book, and what did you think of it?

Without going into too big of spoilers, it's not a bad book, which I found pretty well written. I finished it in 2 days, and I don't read very often. I do find it a little weird that the IH legionaires let things get to where they did before doing anything. There seemed to be clues as the sketchiness of what may have been going on.

Now to my let down of the book, and possible spoilers.

There was nothing that ties into the Pandorax novel that pops out immediately. Upon reflecting, there are possibilities that it could if they carried on with it. I wonder if it would be too much of a stretch for it to happen in the future.

The read was good nonetheless, but I feel that it does nothing to forwarding the HH storyline, or add anything new to story.

07-29-2014, 03:40 PM
I found it enjoyable enough as a side story in that it explored one facet of how some of the Iron Hands have dealt with the scattering of their legion and death of Ferrus. We have seen several different incarnations of how these traumatic events have affected them, with the reaction depicted here being both the most drastic and most indicative of how the character of the legion will be reshapped into the chapter we know in the 41st millennium. I was similarly frustrated however that it didn't tie itself into the future events of the Pandorax campaign, and also that it really did little to advance the narrative of the Heresy or any of the major characters.

07-29-2014, 05:55 PM
I enjoyed the read, but not anywhere near to top as one of my favorites in the HH series. I thought it was very well written and enjoyed what the author was trying to do with the Iron Hands mentality vs The Emperor Children. I also enjoyed the Iron Hands vs Salamanders difference in mentality towards humans. I wanted to take the Salamanders side, but after seeing how helping the humans you cant help but want to agree with Atticus. When ever a writer can show me multiple sides of the story and have me torn, they did a great job.

07-30-2014, 12:52 AM
I'm a big fun of the HH novels and a big fan of the Iron Hands.
I am not a fan of this book :(

It's not badly written or anything, it's just more like a small Space Marines Battle novel and not a galaxy spanning epic. I didn't feel I was in the Heresy setting and therefore why was I bothering.
I was just a little bored :(

04-09-2015, 02:42 PM
I just finished reading Damnation of Pythos and I wanted to see what other people thought of the book and one guy said this: "This book started off quite well and was interesting but something went terribly wrong. I found it to be painful and just went nowhere." That pretty much sums it up. I would give it half a star out of 5. It does nothing to progress the HH story line. It was painful to read, maybe because Vengeful Sprit was so good. You won't be missing anything if you skip this book.

04-12-2015, 12:04 PM
I found it truely awful and a trial the read. I'm a total whore for the HH but this was just bad, In all honest it didn't really have anything to do with the Heresy it could have just been a Space Marines battles novel. Oh and good god the Iron Hands are whiny and dull. Very disappointing, don't bother and read something by ADB instead.

04-14-2015, 05:40 PM
I too found it to be completely useless in the furthering of the HH story. We already new prior to this book that the Iron hands were broken and mentally damaged from the death of Ferrus.
granted, not all Legions had been exposed to demons yet, but by now the iron hands should have figured out that it wasn't an alien influence causing the Imperial guard to freak out and kill themselves (actually I believe Samus makes an appearance, at least in name).
What was the point of the black obelisk? Who were the priests leading the settlers: warp touched or aliens? What was the point of the subterranean pyramids, and why did none of this come up in Pandorax??? There is a HUGE disconnect between Damnation and Pandorax.