View Full Version : New player confused about Brotherhood of Pyskers

07-29-2014, 01:48 PM
I'm new to 40k, so here's a noob question!:) If I have a five man Grey Knight Strike squad with Brotherhood of Pyskers, do I generate one warp charge die or five?

07-29-2014, 03:11 PM
1 Warp Charge. If it helps to think of it this way, Brotherhood of Psykers basically says "the dude in charge of the squad is a Psyker with Mastery Level 1. When he dies, he passes the magic bean on to the next guy in line." However, a trick to remember with Grey Knights is the Combat Squads rule; if you break a 10 man squad down into 2 5-mans, each squad is now its own unit and generates a Warp Charge.