View Full Version : 1850 Salamanders Drop Pod Assault

07-29-2014, 08:42 AM
HQ: Vulkan 190

Troops: 10 Tactical Marines (Melta Gun, Combi-Melta) 160
Drop Pod 35
10 Tactical Marines (Melta Gun, Combi-Melta) 160
Drop Pod 35
10 Tactical Marines (Flamer, Combi-Flamer) 155
Drop Pod 35
10 Tactical Marines (Flamer, Combi-Flamer) 155
Drop Pod 35

Elites: 5 Sternguard Veterans (2 Flamers, Combi-Flamer, 1x melta bombs) 135
Drop Pod: 35
5 Assault Terminators (Thunder Hammers and Storm Shields) 225
Land Raider Redeemer (Multi-Melta, Extra Armor) 260

Heavy Support: Stormraven (Hurricane Bolters, Extra Armor) 235

Total: 1850

Mad Cat
07-29-2014, 10:30 AM
Dont like the sternguard with flamers. You pay a fortune for the special bolter ammo and then pay even more to swap out that weapon for a flamer. Why not swap them for 5 assault marines replcacing their jump packs for a pod and they can have 2 flamers for only 95 points.

Leaves you 75 points to spend, some scounts with BP/CCW in the flyer? If you drop some extra armour and maybe a combiflamer you could get a second assault marine unit in a pod.

07-29-2014, 10:59 AM
Swap them for 5 assault marines replacing their jump packs for a pod and they can have 2 flamers for only 95 points.

Second this idea... This is one of my favorite ways of getting cheap pods into a full SM drop list.

08-04-2014, 06:54 AM
Why not take a command squad with 5 flamers, its 10 pts cheaper then stern guards. You can also take 3 flamers and 2 meltaguns, with Vulcan in your list you want to use that re-roll melta rule. Hurrican bolters and extra armour you don't need, but dump the land raider and put the termies in the stormraven, take a ironclad dread with melta/flamer in drop pod and a assault squad with 2 flamers in pod, that way you can bring down 4 pods in turn one. Also take a locater beacon on the stormraven, so if you zoom and let the termies "jump out" they wont scatter.