View Full Version : Try my new way to determine Warlord Traits

Victus Mortecarium
07-29-2014, 01:16 AM
So we all know the normal way, and because of copyright laws I won't explain that. But I will explain my new way:

Roll a D6
Pick any trait from any chart as long as it has the same value as the dice roll.

ex: Rolled 6, pick any trait that is valued "6"

What do you think? Would you be willing to try it out?

07-29-2014, 02:38 AM
in 6th we usually either took a trait from the respective 'dex, rolling normally, or one from the brb using your method - seemed kinda the fairest way of doing it without giving the guys with hardcover books an advantage because of tailored traits

07-29-2014, 03:19 AM
My personal view is Battle Forged armies should have simply gotten to choose whichever Warlord Trait they wanted from the available (to them) lists.

Mad Cat
07-29-2014, 05:31 AM
I have played in a tornament where if your Warlord was not slain in the previous round you got to keep the previous trait or could choose to roll again normally.

I also like the idea that you roll for first turn before doing warlord traits then the player going first rolls for warlord traits normally (rerolls for battleforged etc) but the player going second gets to choose his warlord trait instead. It is a nice ballancing factor as going first can be a bit of a steep advantage sometimes.