View Full Version : New to 40k, thinking about starting Grey Knights

07-28-2014, 10:11 PM
I'm new to 40k, and I'm thinking about starting Grey Knights as my first army. Any advice?

07-28-2014, 10:52 PM
Psycannons on everything. Draigo and Paladins are boss, take lots of hammers. Power armor guys want psybolt ammo and only assault when needed, don't let their power weapons fool you. They're a perk. Land Raiders will serve you well in 7th.

07-29-2014, 03:26 AM
Here are some thoughts from my personal experience (and as such is heavily influenced by the local meta):

- Grey Knights struggle against AV 14
- Terminators will get blown of the table by the amount of AP2 weaponry available and on the field
- Nemesis dreadknights with sword & teleporter are awesome and most effective when wielded in pairs, but that makes it rather costly packet.
- I personally dislike inquisitorial henchmen, but they are your best (and pretty much only option) to find any dedicated specialists (although rather weak), be that opening up tanks with meltas, shooting plasma or countering enemy close combat units.
- GK Grenades are loathed but gives you distinctive edge in close combat (something grey knights sorely need) - as Dark Link pointed out, force weapons themselves don't make grey knights win in melee.

Also note that Grey Knights did lose all their unique psychic powers with the 7th. edition (i believe) so look for the powers available in FAQs

I do love the Grey Knights and play them regularly, but fluff versus realisation of the codex is one of the things that makes me swear most of the times in our games:
GK are best of the best of the best (with honours :) ) - or so they are supposed to be by the fluff. Yet this is not represented by their strength, stamina, willpower, or skills with weapons by any means (other than perhaps psybolts one could argue).

If you can live with these, then by all means, go for it!

PS: Based on the current rumors, our GK Codex is to be updated last of the older codexes.. just to let you know

07-29-2014, 07:38 AM
I've heard some of the new codex rumors, so I might wait until Christmas to buy models.

07-29-2014, 08:13 AM
While your waiting for new models, I highly encourage but in the dark vengeance kit! It's provided me with plenty of outlets to work with!

07-29-2014, 08:27 AM
Grey Knights struggle against AV 14

Hit it with hammers.

- Terminators will get blown of the table by the amount of AP2 weaponry available and on the field

Hence Paladins.

07-29-2014, 08:50 AM
My advice is that if you like the look of the miniatures and life the background go for it, those things last longer than teh power cycles of each codex.

07-29-2014, 11:07 AM
Play the army that visually appeals to you... also it takes forever to assemble and paint an army so if you start now you'll be ready when the new codex drops.

07-29-2014, 04:02 PM
Hit it with hammers.

Well, it's really hard to try to catch a vehicle if you are footslogging, unless you are using Interceptors, and even then the squad will easily be the the price of a land raider if you want it to succeed / have any other utility than vehicle hammerers..

07-29-2014, 09:24 PM
People keep telling me that, yet it always seems to work (also, Land Raiders). I'm not being sarcastic, either. Literally, people tell me all the time "well, if you run into X you'll have problems". Then, just like always, I run forward and hit things with hammers and they die. Losses result from not being able to hold/contest enough objectives due to being such and elite army, or from being shot up too much.

Ben Fail
08-07-2014, 02:31 AM
Never been a GK player. but all this talk of ap2 weapons and armor 14 just makes me think you want a Land Raider full of Paladins! Have fun, cool army and very fun thematically.

08-07-2014, 05:52 AM
My primary advice is never fall into the trap that 40k is about winning the game. It's about pulling off epic shenanigans, like the time that furioso burst through a wall and wrecked a monolith and survived several turns of combat with the Nightbringer, or when Team Bastonne did a desperate drive-by attack on a Baneblade and took it from unscratched to destroyed in one glorious volley. If you aim for epic shenanigans the GK will never let you down!

Mr Mystery
08-07-2014, 06:12 AM
People keep telling me that, yet it always seems to work (also, Land Raiders). I'm not being sarcastic, either. Literally, people tell me all the time "well, if you run into X you'll have problems". Then, just like always, I run forward and hit things with hammers and they die. Losses result from not being able to hold/contest enough objectives due to being such and elite army, or from being shot up too much.

Yep. Plus, Daemon Hammers give anyone a bad day. It's what they do. Pop tanks? Check. Kneecap Monstrous Creatures? Check. Smash up puny infantry? Check.