View Full Version : Eldar Psyker Ally contributing Warp Charge to Adeptus Sororitas?

07-28-2014, 04:50 PM
Core army is Adeptus Sororitas with Eldar Allies. Sororitas has no psykers, but the entire army does have Adamantium Will (+1 to Deny the Witch Rolls).
Eldar Ally has one Farseer (Mastery Level 3)

During my opponent's Psychic phase, do I get to add 3 Warp Charge dice + the d6 my opponent rolls, and then also get to use the Adamantium Will rule?
Does it matter who is being targeted by the power (as I can also Deny powers my enemy is casting on him/herself)?

07-28-2014, 05:08 PM
Well I found the answer to part of my question on p24 in the red box 'Manifesting Psychic Powers Sequence'.
I only get the Adamantium Will if one of those units was the target of the psychic power (so no bonus if my enemy is targeting him/herself or my Eldar ally).

On another similar note. Can you now target Super-Heavies with non damaging powers like Prescience? I'm not finding any restrictions, though in the previous Apoc you could not.

Mad Cat
07-29-2014, 05:37 AM
Yes adamantine will only effects your unit when they are targeted (witchfire, maledictions, novas etc) so if the enemy use blessings or target your eldar allies it plays no part in the calculations. Note a nova power that hits both Eldar and Sisters units can be effected by Adamantine will if it gives you the best chance.

You can do blessings on superheavies I beleive. Not sure about maledictions are they no longer imune to them?