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View Full Version : Genswick Rifles minidex help please!

01-22-2010, 05:41 PM
Hey BoLS'ers!
I've been reading the campaign books for the macharian crusade and decided to make a minidex for some of my favourite armys throughout the year and the first one was Genswick rifles. Despite the interwebs i cant seem to find fluff for them at all! and the only pictures are from Bols :eek:
I would appreciate any fluff from old codexs White dwarves rulebooks etc,
Also if any of the fly lords are there i'd like permission to use Brigadier-General-Collins and some of the genswick pictures in the macharian crusade downloadable things ;)
And of course if anyone has any models with longcoats and wide brimmed hats and wouldnt mind me using there pics please post em :D

01-23-2010, 06:13 PM
It's easier to adjust than to create. Take the initiative and post some rules for us to read. Believe me when I say that if you really mix stuff up some interweb smart-a...leck would like nothing more than to point it out to you.