View Full Version : Paypal Unbuilt mostly unopened chaos demons army will also accept cash

07-27-2014, 12:13 PM
consists of

3 boxes of plaguebearers
1 set of flamers of tzeentch
1 set of screamers of tzeentch
1 blue scribe
2 khorne chariots (cannon)
3 beasts of nurgle
1 kairos fateweaver
1 codex fantasy

all models that can be finecast are finecast
the models that are open and almost fully built have been built partially to allow for better painting and have been very well trimmed and sanded so no mold lines or anything exist (the chariots are build and they are a ***** to clean...)

i can sell them all individually or as a bulk the prices are on ebay username questionmarks

can just check my listings and im willing to go down in price if a large amount is bought