View Full Version : Adeptus Mechanicus Army 1995 points

07-27-2014, 08:47 AM
Knights as primary detachment (1115 points)
1 Knight Paladin as warlord
2 Knight Errants

Iron Clad Dreadnaught (210 Points)
+ Heavy Flamer
+ Heavy Flamer
+ Chainfist
+ Two Hunter-killer Missiles
+ Ironclad Assault Launcher
+ Drop Pod

Iron Clad Dreadnaught (210 Points)
+ Heavy Flamer
+ Heavy Flamer
+ Chainfist
+ Two Hunter-killer Missiles
+ Ironclad Assault Launcher
+ Drop Pod

Dreadnaught (155 Points)
+ Twin-Linked Autocannon
+ Twin-Linked Autocannon
+ Drop Pod

Dreadnaught (155 Points)
+ Twin-Linked Autocannon
+ Twin-Linked Autocannon
+ Drop Pod

Tech Marine (75 Points)
+ Servi-Harness

Tech Marine (75 Points)
+ Servi-Harness

Mad Cat
07-29-2014, 06:09 AM
Why put the long range fire support AC+AC Dreads in pods? Deploy them normally and save some points for 6 or so marine scouts so the tech marines can join them and not become instant kill points and first blood while they help repair the Dreads and knights. A reinforced ruin and a few cammo cloaks should keep the unit arround for a few turns.

I assume the Ironclads will drop down agressively supported by an advance of some fast moving knights. Swapping a AC+AC dread for a cheap MM+HF version in a pod would mean you keep three pods to enable 2 to arrive turn one but you loose the scouts unless you swap out ironclads for cheap regular MM dreads which would be a shame... could drop a tech marine instead?

Have you throught of battleforged army of Iron hands with MoTF, tech marine, 2x5 scouts then several dreads and an attachment of 3 knights. The stormclaw campaign has a rather tasty formation of three knights where you can reroll the 4++ shields if you stay close togethere and get more hammer of wrath hits!