View Full Version : Ok so I got myself the Imperial Knight codex and 1 Knight and i need some advice

07-26-2014, 03:55 PM
Well before I assemble this bad boy I need some advice from people who have done it before so here are my questions

1 The weapon placement how important is it where the weapons are place because for the paladin I was going to mount the cannon on his shoulder rather then have it as a arm weapon. And convert a hand with 2 heavy stubbers where the cannon ment to be placed.

2 How do you guys go about painting and assemble do you paint all the parts unassembled or do you assemble some of the parts like the skeleton as I call it and paint the shell after or do you assemble the hole thing and paint it?

3 In 7th edition does the same rule apply as in 6th that you have to take 3 knights to make them a primary detachment?

4 How many friends will I have if I take a army of knights?

Thank you for the advice :)

07-26-2014, 05:48 PM
4) If you tell them ahead of time, and they agree, you should still have friends. If you just show up without warning and keep playing it if you keep pasting it, then I would say none.

07-26-2014, 08:26 PM
Well before I assemble this bad boy I need some advice from people who have done it before so here are my questions

1 The weapon placement how important is it where the weapons are place because for the paladin I was going to mount the cannon on his shoulder rather then have it as a arm weapon. And convert a hand with 2 heavy stubbers where the cannon ment to be placed.
That shouldn't be too much of a problem, the arm mount was already pretty high up as far as LOS goes. If in doubt, put some sort of fancy targeter on the arm and measure from there, call it laser-guided rounds or somesuch.

2 How do you guys go about painting and assemble do you paint all the parts unassembled or do you assemble some of the parts like the skeleton as I call it and paint the shell after or do you assemble the hole thing and paint it?
All of the armor plates can be fitted after the skeleton is built, so what I did was assemble skeleton, paint skeleton, paint shell (some pieces you'll want to paint the backsides as they can be seen), attach shell.

George Labour
07-26-2014, 09:19 PM
1) They're walkers so use walker rules for determining weapon arc and so on. As such minor conversions of weapon placement shouldn't be an issue. If someone gives you drama over it, never play them again.

2) I paint the skeleton first, arms next and the armor plating, shield, and acessories next. I then attach the arms before gluing on the carapace parts.

3) You may wish to download the FAQ on the black library site as the rules changed a lot. Basically you can have one knight in any list but if you take three one of them can be chose as your warlord even if it is not the primary detachment, and gets the benefits listed in the FAQ. You can also have a knight warlord with just one or two knights if there are no other characters in your list.

4) Let them know beforehand, and let them make a curb stomp list to trash you with. This will help them get over the 'fear' of fighting multiple knights and show you're a good sport who just likes the army. If you just show up and spring three to five knights on someone who brought his anti infantry list then you may not get another game with that person. :P

07-26-2014, 09:37 PM
4) Let them know beforehand, and let them make a curb stomp list to trash you with. This will help them get over the 'fear' of fighting multiple knights and show you're a good sport who just likes the army. If you just show up and spring three to five knights on someone who brought his anti infantry list then you may not get another game with that person. :P
Funny thing, I fielded a Knight as ally for my IG last month at a tourney. There was whinging. So this month, I swapped in a Vendetta and a Russ Executioner. For some strange reason, the Knight doesn't look so bad any longer.

07-27-2014, 03:01 AM
thanks for the advice guys :) I will make a errent because paladin cant 1 shot tanks anymore due to needing a ap 1-2 weapon to roll a 7 on the chart well unless it gets close and also i play games on tables that dont really go more then 40".

07-27-2014, 08:16 AM
1. It has a base therefore all measurements are done from its base regardless of where its weapons are mounted. Go crazy.

2. Assemble the skeleton without any armor plates, paint it fully. Paint the armor plates and then glue them into the skeleton. There's actually a really good YouTube video by GW on this.

3. Nothing has changed here.

4. Situational, but you'll probably be OK. Just be upfront about what your playing beforehand (this should be the case with every game regardless of army composition).

07-27-2014, 10:40 AM
Ok so far what i have done assembled it into 4 sub parts and have not assembled the head yet i wont be changing the arm after all at first i was thinking the gun would be better mounted as a sort of just gun with no arm hooked onto the arm socket but i have a fear of ruining this awesome sorce of a model

1 Melta Cannon fully Assembled but yet to be attached to the model
1 Reaper Chainsaw Assembled but yet to be attached to the model
Legs Assembled but yet to be attached to the base and the body
Body Assembled but not attached by any other parts
No head Assembled due to waiting to get wires and battary and LED's for the head because eyes that light up make the model more badass
Armour plates still on the plastic frames the kit came on

Colour scheme
Abaddon Black for the trim
Khorne red on some armour plates
Naggaroth Night on some armour plates
Balthasar gold on the skeleton with a wash of Druchii Violet

Also on the chest plate it looks like there is a place to put the name of the knight is this correct or is this the house of the knight?