View Full Version : 1850 - Ironclads!

07-25-2014, 11:04 AM
I've been thinking of a way to get some Ironclads back into the fight, and I figured maybe a force that applies pressure by advancing "other scary stuff" with some other units at the time of their arrival would maybe allow them to get into combat... thoughts on this?

Chapter Master - bike, artificer armor, gorgon's chain, power fist
Bike Squad (5) - melta bombs
Scout Squad (5) - bolters, land speeder storm w/heavy flamer
Tactical Squad (5) - pod, melta
Tactical Squad (5) - pod, melta

Ironclad - pod, assault launchers, ccw w/heavy flamer, chainfist w/heavy flamer
Ironclad - pod, assault launchers, ccw w/heavy flamer, chainfist w/heavy flamer
Ironclad - pod, assault launchers, ccw w/heavy flamer, chainfist w/heavy flamer

Fire Raptor - quad heavy bolters

Knight Errant

I might be light on Objective Secured units, but I think the pods will be a pain to deal with if they land on an objective, and I think I'll be able to apply sufficient pressure with the rest of the army. Torn between the Errant or Paladin... so I left 5 points open to either take a TH on the CM or Paladin in place of the Errant.