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View Full Version : Fantasy Film Project "The Dreamlands" Successfully Financed!

07-24-2014, 09:21 AM
Fantasy Film Project "The Dreamlands" Successfully Financed!

With more than 160.000 Euros raised, the film project of German director Huan Vu ("Die Farbe", "Damnatus") is on the verge of becoming the most successful crowdfunding campaign for an independent film project in Germany.

Vu and his team successfully raised a record-breaking sum of more than 160.000 Euros through both crowdfunding and crowdinvesting - a sum that even surpasses the minimum amount deemed necessary to produce this ambitious fantasy film. This makes the "Dreamlands" project one of the top three German movies produced through crowdfunding, in between "Hotel Desire" (2012, 170.000 Euros) and "Adolf - der Film" (2014, 122.452 Euros). And during the remaining two weeks there is still the chance to successfully complete the crowdfunding part of the campaign on IndieGoGo, and thereby becoming the most successful crowdfunded movie campaign in Germany.

"We are more than happy to see our efforts rewarded with such success. This film will now definitively be produced, and I am looking forward to all the tasks waiting for me," says Vu. "Special thanks go to my team and to all backers and investors. It is thanks to their contribution that this dream now finally can take shape. Together we will write film history."

More than 700 private investors and backers worldwide contributed to the total amount collected so far, and most of them learned from the project on the internet. "There are, of course, many German supporters, but just recently I signed a contract that came all the way from Tasmania," Vu states exitedly. "In such instances you get the feeling that we are on the verge of creating something truly extraordinary."

"The Dreamlands" is a fantasy film project of Huan Vu, director and screenwriter of the award-winning Lovecraft movie adaptation "Die Farbe", and Warhammer 40,000 fan film "Damnatus". The movie will be the first ever adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's "Dream Cycle."

The movie "The Dreamlands" intertwines the story about the fate of an orphan at the beginning of World War I with the fantastic world of Lovecraft's Dreamlands. Director and screenwriter is Huan Vu, and for the starring roles already two acclaimed Hollywood actors could be enlisted - Andrew Divoff ("Wishmaster", "Lost") and Wes Studi ("Dances with Wolves", "Last of the Mohicans", "The New World", "Avatar"). The movie will be produced in English, and will be filmed on location in Iceland, Turkey and on Germany's Baltic Coast. Start of production is set to be in 2015.

„The Dreamlands“ on IndieGoGo:

„The Dreamlands“ in the web:


Link to the 6-minute trailer:

6-minute Trailer:

Teaser 1:

Teaser 2:

Teaser 3:

For further information and interview requests:

Huan Vu
[email protected]
+49 (0)178 888 1565