View Full Version : Could i use a Chaos spawn as a beast of nurgle?

07-24-2014, 02:15 AM
What base are beast of nurgle i hear its 40mm but feel free to correct me on that

Would it be legal if i used a Chaos Spawn or would i have to use green stuff just to change it a bit?

Is there any info out there at a hint of a plastic beast of nurgle?

I dont want to use plague Toads from forge world due to they are too big but are there any other models wether it be forge world or games workshop that i could nurglfy to make into a beast of nurgle?

07-24-2014, 09:50 AM
What game are you playing?

I have Beasts of Nurgle on 25x50 cavalry bases, because that's what they came on (back in the day). Last I checked on the current model, it seemed that GW supplied it on two different sized bases (and I don't just mean square and round).

I think the current plastic spawn did used to pass as a Beast of Nurgle at one point, before GW released a new BoN kit. Not sure about tournament legality, but if your opponent's fine with it then no problem. On the other hand, a BoN is probably one of the easier miniatures to scratch build.

07-24-2014, 04:13 PM
BoN now both come on 40mm square and round base i belive from what the website saids

07-25-2014, 10:18 AM
I think this may be where I heard that the Spawn used to be the BoN kit:


As for base, it seems that the current model does now come on a 40mm round base, though the same model used to be on a 60mm one for 40k:
