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View Full Version : Competitive Mechanized Guard List 1,500 Points

07-24-2014, 12:13 AM

Leman Russ Vanquisher w/Pask, Hull Mounted Lascannon- 215 Points
Leman Russ Executioner w/Hull Mounted Heavy bolter, Plasma Cannon Sponsons- 185 Points


Veteran Squad w/2 Plasma Guns- 155 Points
Chimera APC

Veteran Squad w/2 Plasma Guns- 155 Points
Chimera APC

Veteran Squad w/Plasma Gun, Heavy Flamer- 150 Points
Chimera APC

++Fast Attack++

Vendetta w/3 Twin-Linked Lascannons- 170 Points

Vendetta w/3 Twin-Linked Lascannons- 170 Points

++Heavy Support++

Wyvern- 65 Points

Wyvern- 65 Points

Manticore-170 Points

Total: 1,500 Points

I am not sure if I need the Manticore. I think there may be better options, but I'm not sure. I also feel Pask may be better in a Punisher, but then I would probably have to add anti-tank somewhere else. Another idea I had was to replace Pask entirely and get a Primaris Pysker (which would mean I would have to drop 10 points somewhere else). I love the idea of the deathstrike launcher but it leaves me with some concerns of actually using it because of it only being able to shot once. I haven't played 40K since 5th Edition, so my knowledge of the current meta is just from what I see on the internet. I just bought the rule book and guard codex. Before I actually purchase the models though (I used to play Space puppies), I want to have a general idea of what I should be using even though I will continue to collect more, but I need a starting place.

07-24-2014, 01:09 AM
I've been running Guard non-stop since the new book came out, and a couple of thoughts:

1) Yes, the Deathstrike is completely worth it. You're always firing indirect, so just slap it in the deepest, darkest hole available in your deployment zone. It may only be one shot, but that's one shot that's practically guaranteed to erase whatever it lands on. Tooled up SM Bike Squad led by a Chapter Master? poof. Ork/Tyranid horde? poof. I played a 1500 point tourney last weekend, and each shot erased 250+ points from the table.

2) Primaris Psykers are amazing, especially if you plan on running the Executioner. There's only one problem with them, and that's the fact they can't cast from inside vehicles at all (maybe Witchfire if you have a Firing Point, but with a Primaris you'll want to roll all Divination all the time). This leads me to my 3rd point:

3) Get a foot Platoon. Even if all you take is the dead stock Platoon Command Squad + 2 Infantry Squads with no upgrades, it's worth it, for one reason: filling space. If you're going competitive, you're going to see Space Marines, and if you see Space Marines, you'll be seeing Drop Pods. One pod with the bare minimum (5 guys with bolters) can still glance your armor to death in a hurry. A combat squad of Sternguard with combi-meltas or combi-plasmas will smoke 2 tanks the turn they land. In the same vein, the Deathstrike definitely should have a Heavy Flamer, and possibly the Wyverns as well (I run a heavy bolter on mine, but that's mainly for looks, although I do get a shot in with it now and then), in order to set any uninvited guests on fire. 3 heavy flamers overlapping on a single Tactical Squad can disintegrate them, although it's not reliable.

This Dave
07-24-2014, 05:50 AM
It's not a bad list. If you want to you could put Pask in a Punisher since you have 2 Vendettas and a Manticore you have good anti tank already.

The biggest problem you might have is taking and holding objectives but that's always a problem in a mech Guard force. Your Veterans are fragile and will go away in a stiff breeze.

07-24-2014, 12:34 PM
Thanks, I feel that I will drop the Manticore for the Death-strike Missile because I keep thinking in my head that it looks like too much fun not to use. If I get to see just one look of despair on my opponents face when it doesn't scatter, I will be happy. I like the idea of the infantry platoon, but I'm not sure what I would drop to get the points. I don't think I can give up the Vendettas or a squad of veterans because they seem essential in most cases.

07-24-2014, 02:23 PM
I like the list as vehicles got a nice boost in 7th. I agree you should put pask in a punisher as he was built for it! I also like the manticore over the death missile, just because you get between 4-12 missiles with it over 4 turns and S10 ord is enough to do some serious hurt anyways. I take the vets for a troops choice but also to help protect against drop pods as mentioned above.

Another comedy mechanized list of mine is the below. So much AV14 and all the leman russes and the Hydra have preferred enemy!

1500 IG Leman Russ with Steel Host Formation

HQ 1 Pask-Punisher with HB Sponsons 230
1 Battle Tank 150

Form 1 Tank Commander-Vanq w lascannon 175
Form 1 Executioner 155
Form 1 Eradicator with HB Sponsons 140
Form 1 Eradicator with HB Sponsons 140
Form 1 Battle Tank 150
Form 1 Hydra 70

F 1 Vendetta 170

T 10 Veterans 60
10 Veterans 60