View Full Version : Daboarder converts a Farsser, And other assorted Eldar bits n' pieces

07-23-2014, 07:16 PM
Hey all, just wanted to quickly share a little side project mine, I've got a few elf and eldar parts over the years through winning bitz boxes in conversion competitions or grabbing the odd kit for parts and the like. Recently I've been going through doing a few characters here and there, mostly just to try something different and fun. Its doubtful these pieces will ever go in an army, but I like them and they are always useful for games like necromunda etc...

So here's the Farseer I've thrown together and a couple of design notes on it.

Firstly, I've always done my psykers in a very "casting" type pose, my sorcerers and librarians typically draw deeply from artwork of fantasy Mages and Paladins. And I find this a very good way of turning Space marines into a caster equivalent as they are typically warriors first, casters second.
Farseers however are pretty much the most iconic Psykers in 40k, and given my normal attitude to either subvert or put a new spin of old stereotypes I decided to go for a more aggressive, "combat" oriented design instead, hence the giant High elf axe.

However I wanted to have a non-helmed farseer to help the characterstand out as an individual and I have always liked the look of hooded mages in artwork, hence the hood.

Finally I wanted to make the Farseer different to every other current model and have him standing against the flow of his cloak drawing the eye towards the axe head held behind as opposed to the typical outstretched hand/Sword.

The arms and the right foot had to be reconstruted due to the change in pose and miscasts in the material, the foot was easy but I found that contrary to typical methods that are slightly smoke and mirrors, it was easier to just make greenstuff sleaves out of two pieces instead of a single detailed shape.

So without further ado, here he is.


07-24-2014, 02:18 AM
No love?

Well here is a sniper I did. Just a simple head swap really, but a good example of why I actually LIKE finecast over metal, it was simplicity itself to remove the head. I wanted to replace it with a more feminine head as a reference to the Soviet female snipers who are rather infamous. I'm not entirely sure the head I choose does the trick but I didn't want to choose a glade guard head that either had a hood already, or had the braids on the other side (it was a quick conversion and I had no real desire to re-do them in greenstuff.

I've always liked the firing pathfinder models and getting one in a bits box was a wonderful surprise.


07-24-2014, 03:35 AM
Those are really nice, liked the hooded Farseer, not something you see often. And I obviously approve of the female ranger.:p

07-24-2014, 04:15 AM
Those are really nice, liked the hooded Farseer, not something you see often. And I obviously approve of the female ranger.:p

Cheers Eldargal, whenever I post Eldar or Female work I always look for your comments, and your praise is much appreciated I assure you

07-24-2014, 05:08 AM
My problem is I forget to check the project logs as much as I should...

You're right about Finecast too, to do that conversion in metal you would have needed a drill to grind away the extra metal and it would have been slow and difficult and messy.

07-24-2014, 05:13 AM
You're right about Finecast too, to do that conversion in metal you would have needed a drill to grind away the extra metal and it would have been slow and difficult and messy.

Yup, I'd have lost that piping around the back of the snipers head too in all likely hood

07-24-2014, 08:14 PM
That's a nice Farseer - I like the axe. An elegant conversion. The folds in the sleeves are solid work too.

Very nice. :)

07-26-2014, 10:15 PM
Wooowwww I love that model...!! I must see the finished, painted version. That hood/robe combo is just gorgeous.