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View Full Version : Epidemius in a unit of Plague Drones of Nurgle is really viable :)

07-23-2014, 01:17 AM
Formation 3x2
Plague drones (5)
+ Death heads
+ Plague Proboscis
+ Standard Bearer with Banner of Swiftness

Offensively The reason this is very deadly is the poisoned attacks from Death heads, Plague Proboscis and Plague Swords because of Epidemius has the lesser Locus of Virulence making all poisoned attacks auto wounding on a hit roll of 5+ so it looks like it was intended for this.

Defensively Both plague drones and Epidemius are Monstrous Cavalry so Epidemius is more protected and as Plague drones are hovering and not flyers they can be joined by him they only follow the flyer rule of moving 10 wile epidemius moves 5 due to the banner of swiftness.

Feel free to comment if I miss anything

07-23-2014, 04:26 AM
Unfortunately mate this is not a legal combination. The Hover rule follows all the normal rules for Fly with the only exception being that the unit cannot March, which means no characters joining Plague Drones :( Sorry mate!
From the little rulebook for clarification, page 71:

Models with the Hover special rule follow all the rules for Flyers, but cannot march.

07-23-2014, 06:55 AM
As it states it follows all the rules for flyers but can not march but the unit is not classed as a flyer so it is still legal I have talked to the workers in my local GW store and until a FAQ comes out clarifying it. It stands that he can join a unit of Plague Drones but they would have to use the movement speed of epidemius.

Basically they said it gives you the benefit of the rules but not the restrictions There is another Rule like this that follows the same principle Plague swords have the posion rule but the weapon is also a magical item as it states that posion can not be effected by magical items but as it came with the magical item it is allowed to some it might seem like a loophole but it is not if you feel it might be feel free to contact GW I have already sent them a email but still no reply on the matter.

07-23-2014, 11:32 PM
I don't know, "follows all the rules for Flyers" seems pretty clear cut to me. There is no "Fly" unit type, only units with the special rule, and Hover states that it follows all of the Fly rules with one exception. If you follow *all* the rules for Flyers I severely doubt the interpretation that "the benefits but not the restrictions" would be correct. Regardless, Epidemius is Monstrous Cavalry, and all units with Fly - and Hover - count as Skirmishers. Skirmishers can't be joined by mounted characters. Page 77 of the small rulebook;

A character on a mount cannot join a unit of Skirmishers.

And page 70 of the small rulebook;

...flying units consisting of more than one model have the Skirmishers special rule.

Unless you want to argue that Epidemius isn't on a mount?

As for Plaguebearers, the part of the Poisoned Attacks rule you are referring to covers models with the special rule, not weapons. A magic weapon with Poisoned Attacks would still benefit from them, but a model with the Poisoned Attacks special rule would lose any benefit of them when using a magic weapon.

07-24-2014, 04:37 AM
well then that makes more sense to me must have missed that mount rule for skirmishers thread can be closed now thanks for clearing that up i will have to rethink this then.