View Full Version : Yaaaay Bioware

07-23-2014, 12:05 AM
Yes its worht its own topic, shut up. It's only taken seven years for Bioware to put out a proper figure of Liara T'soni, but what a figure (http://www.biowarestore.com/liara-statue-deposit.html) (hur):


Dr. Liara T'Soni is a young Asari scientist who focused her studies on the extinction of the Prothean race. She joined Commander Shepard after being rescued from the Geth on Therum. Being an Asari, Liara is naturally biotic.

Liara from the hit series Mass Effect. Liara is depicted in a dynamic pose and in her Mass Effect 3 design. In one hand, she wields the Acolyte heavy pistol, while her left hand is bathed in a biotic field. The package includes an additional left hand that can be swapped in depending on preference. At 1/4 scale, Liara stands at 19 inches tall, putting her directly into scale with our Garrus Vakarian collectible.

Highly limited to 1000 pieces worldwide.
Each statue includes full-colour deluxe packaging, an individually hand numbered base and a certificate of authenticity.
Artist: Gurjeet Singh
Images shown are representative only and final product may vary.

07-23-2014, 12:42 AM
Nice model! And here I am, still waiting on a model for the Alliance Fighters. God those were a cool design.

07-23-2014, 01:04 AM
haha. just when I've been replaying the series.....GOD they were good games right up until the end

07-23-2014, 01:35 AM
yup, and even that was bearable with extended cut - below the average for the series, to be sure, but many a game would have killed for an ending scene of that quality...

07-23-2014, 01:39 AM
Ill be honest, I havent played extended cut, I could never work up to restart all the way from before the Cerberus base.....was to busy smashing the multiplayer (GOD that was fantastic)

07-23-2014, 02:25 AM
I like the original ending to be honest, it was brutal, felt like you had just won a galactic war at great cost. You didn't know what was going on, you didn't have a happy ending you just knew that the Reapers were gone one way or another. The EC made it better though. Still glad I played it without it first though. also some of the rage was nonsense, those people saying the Synthesis ending didn't fit thematically with the game when Saren was talking about synthesis back in ME1.:rolleyes:

I thought there was an alliance fighter model? Yep (http://www.tfaw.com/Profile/Mass-Effect%3A-SX3-Alliance-Fighter-Ship-Replica___412684)

07-23-2014, 02:27 AM
I was more referring to the "star child" what a pointless......

07-23-2014, 02:37 AM
Oh, yeah, star child was kind of unnecessary. Didn't really detract from it for me but it could have been dropped without losing anything.

07-23-2014, 02:44 AM
it was just such a deus ex machina...I had hoped that the 3rd game would have you sorta commanding the war, as in making decisions about where reinforcements and supply is allocated etc...I can by that the game didnt do that (fair enough its my idea of fun, but doubtfully everyones) and the crucible as a "ultimate solution" is fine, but throwing in the kid on top of that was a bit much for me. Especially as you've spent the whole series trying to protect the galaxy and then at the end its all for nought, you either become the creator of your own doom, a ditcator, or the mass relays are bust ahd the galaxy is doomed because of that.

07-23-2014, 03:08 AM
Did you not come across this?


07-23-2014, 03:10 AM
Yep I own one but it isn't proper, it's an anime style figure. This is the first figure of Liara that looks like she actually does.:) Still hoping for an action figure to go with my FemShep, Garrus and Tali though.