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View Full Version : Melbourne Hobbying from the Abyss

Lord Varras
01-22-2010, 02:43 AM
As I'm browsing the forums i find this little nugget "Sub-Forums" and vaguely remember another post asking the same question "Why are they dead forums". So here in an effort to rekindled inspiration of the hobby i thought i would post in the local sub form.

what I sit here pondering 'as i'm waiting to start my battle in the shed just round the cnr from knox city" is where do the thousands of Melbourniyens battle it out. I know of the local gaming communities and of course GW stores but this accounts for very little of the gaming population south of the border(Southern Hemisphere).

So this goes out to all the Aussies Commanders - shed some light on us, and more importantly revive the sub forums cause local info is a sweet thing to share, and you never know what might be happening just round the cnr.

The Dinosaur
01-27-2010, 03:14 AM
ok, ill help you start this fire...

i dont do gaming communities or tournaments. a small group of us meet up every two weeks to battle it out.
we've got a standard green table and a snow table. I've started planning our third, either a desert or volcanic area... we use half table tennis tables :P

maybe some day we'll venture out into the gaming world, it just seems a little intimidating compared to our little crew.

i guess if anything - is it worth it? we avoid GW as much as possible thanks to the endless 12yr olds - are clubs the same?

Lord Varras
01-28-2010, 03:40 AM
Hey Hey good to hear a local voice.

you got that right about GW stores, you could probably look them up under daycare centres in yellow pages :eek:

nice setup by the sounds of it.........I use those cheapo bunnings white plastic tables hahah you'd know the ones

Myself, I haven't been into a store or bought anything in bout a year.......last thing I got was the Redeemer. and since then painted not even enough of my white templars to field "sigh".

Not too sure of exact locations but i think there's 2 biggish gaming groups west suburbs, and 1 east suburbs - which i did go to but not return.......it had a GW store feel :might just be me though depends on your age.

Gotta say no need be intimidated, the few places ive been most notably Conflict a few years back was a "hoot" so to say and certainly was worth the experience. But to say is it worth it...dont know really depends on how you like to play. Myself and the mates (byproduct lol) i play enjoy kickin back round the table over a few drinks, not exactly the promoted behavior for clubs atmosphere hehe

Sister Rosette Soulknyt
03-16-2010, 11:05 PM
hiya, well i collect and mainly play with freinds.
Our local store is more a ego orientated store with macho players who continuelly think they know better, play better and know everything.
There tournaments is over ego's and crap talking, so mostly i dont bother with the store, they play favourites and if your not a favourite your not made to feel welcome as such.
Shame really

For me i play Sob witha passion. And would love to find more places to play my army

03-17-2010, 03:33 AM
I play in the big Apoc games at GW Highpoint, but other then that, I play my games with a group of my close friends around Sunbury.

The Dinosaur
03-20-2010, 10:31 PM
anyone been to the camberwell gw? any good?

03-22-2010, 03:29 AM
anyone been to the camberwell gw? any good?

I went the weekend after it opened. It's a pretty massive shop (for a GW), they had a heap of floor space with a couple of example game tables setup, with 6-8 proper gaming tables set up at the back. Plenty of space, nice shop. I would go there more often if it wasn't so far away.