View Full Version : Dark Angels 1500pt Greenraven List

07-21-2014, 11:55 AM
Hey all, been thinking of running this list lately, mostly because I've been using Deathwing a lot and fancied something a little different. I've said before that I don't like using Drop Pods since the squad inside tends to die the next turn but I've made an exception for this list. Also, one of the Tac Squads won't be in their pod. I'm dropping it empty to tie up an objective/screw up enemy movement/force them to waste shots on it.

This entire list is about getting right up in the enemy's face early on with 2 tactical squads, Plasma Vets, 4 Pods and an anti-armour Ravenwing squad, robbing them of any momentum. Meanwhile, the Dread provides AA and heavy support, the Plasma cannons hang back and melt stuff and a tactical squad breaks up into two to secure backfield objectives. Libby hangs back and takes his Powerfield Generator wherever it's needed, using Divination spells to buff my support units.

Librarian - Lvl 2, Powerfield Generator, The Lion's Roar (150)

Tactical Squad - Plasma Gun, Sgt with Bolter, Drop Pod (190)

Tactical Squad - Plasma Gun, Sgt with Bolter, Drop Pod (190)

Tactical Squad - Plasma Gun, Sgt with Bolter, Drop Pod (190)

Mortis Dreadnought - Two Twin-Linked Autocannons (125)

3rd Company Veterans - 5 Combi-Plasmas, Drop Pod (175)

Devastator Squad - 4 Plasma Cannons (130)

Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 6 Bikes, 2 Meltaguns, Veteran Sgt with Powerfist, Landspeeder with Typhoon Missile Launcher and Multi-Melta, Attack Bike with Multi-Melta (346)

Dark Wing
07-22-2014, 07:42 AM
Hey fellow DA player,

its a interesting list, not one I've thought of running before but i have a few thoughts about it though?

This entire list is about getting right up in the enemy's face early on with 2 tactical squads, Plasma Vets, 4 Pods and an anti-armour Ravenwing squad, robbing them of any momentum. Meanwhile, the Dread provides AA and heavy support, the Plasma cannons hang back and melt stuff and a tactical squad breaks up into two to secure backfield objectives. Libby hangs back and takes his Powerfield Generator wherever it's needed, using Divination spells to buff my support units.

Im not sure if your playing with models you have but:-

You need to make sure what ever the Vets are shooting are not in a high armour (HA) vehicle (land raider) in order to do maximise there damage potential. Your ravenwing squad is key to bust open any HA, so i think you would be better off with 2 FA choices:

2 quads of: 3 bikes with 2 meltaguns & 1 attack bike with multi melta for (310)

thus giving you more melt for HA busting and at more targets.

I would possibly drop the lions roar from the libby and give him a bike instead as he's more of a support for the army so will be moving 12, cast spells then turbo boosting 12 to a near by unit to make the most of the PFG, might worth adding a auspex and melt bombs from the point saved from the FA choice.

Join the libby with 1 ravening squad and keep the attack bikes within 2.5" away of libby to give them 4++ and scout first turn to get in range for meltas.

I like the devastators but I find its too many points for 5 guys and everyone of them you has a role (serg for BS5 signum and the 4 plasma) would either max out to 10 man unit, points permitting or swap them out for 2 whirlwinds. Probably won't kill that much against MEQ but 2 scoring units in the back field with barrage for potential snipping of special weapons guys in squads or tau drones for same amount of points as your dev squad as it stands.

as you can only drop 2 pods in turn 1 with 4 pods 1 would swap 1 for a rhino as you can still drop 2 first turn and now 1 of your squads has a bit of protection and is more mobile which is a big part in 7th esp for a troop choice.

would consider throwing in a combi-plasma in 2 of your squads for a bit of extra kick and a heavy weapon in your other squad as you wanted to combat squad them and foot slog them.

So possible new list:


libby - lvl 2, PFG, bike


Tactical squad - plasma gun, Sgt with combi plasma in Drop Pod

Tactical squad - plasma gun, plasma cannon in Drop Pod (your idea of dropping empty and combat squad - 1 plasma in each)

Tactical squad - plasma gun, Sgt with combi plasma in Rhino with dozer blade


Mortis Dreadnought - Two Twin-Linked Autocannons

3rd Company Veterans - 5 Combi-Plasmas, Drop Pod

Fast Attack

Ravenwing Attack squadron - 3 bikes with 2 melta guns & 1 attack bike with multi melta

Ravenwing Attack squadron - 3 bikes with 2 melta guns & 1 attack bike with multi melts

Heavy Support



Don't have the codex in front of me, but think it comes to 1500pts on the dot

These are just my thoughts and opinions as it could be your list smashes the one i tweaked but let me know what you try and how you get on as its always good to hear from fellow DA players

Dark Wing
07-22-2014, 12:21 PM
Hey fellow DA player,

never really thought about running a Drop pod DA list before, but have a few thought about your list:

This entire list is about getting right up in the enemy's face early on with 2 tactical squads, Plasma Vets, 4 Pods and an anti-armour Ravenwing squad, robbing them of any momentum. Meanwhile, the Dread provides AA and heavy support, the Plasma cannons hang back and melt stuff and a tactical squad breaks up into two to secure backfield objectives. Libby hangs back and takes his Powerfield Generator wherever it's needed, using Divination spells to buff my support units.

Not sure if your playing with the models that you own, but:

It looks like you are going for a alpha strike first turn, smash the majority of your opponents army so they can recover, from what i can see from your list your Veterans are the main hitters in this list and what ever you hit you have to make sure there not in High Armour (HA) transports / buildings etc which means you need enough melta to neutralise that.

Which from your list it looks like your ravenwing squadron role is to do this? but i think you can use the points better. I'm a big fan of land speeders but unless you take a big squadron they get glanced to death and also the load out you have should be 2 multi meltas or the HB and Missile Launcher because you either suicide it with 2 meltas or sit back at 36-48 and pick your targets.

I would suggest 2 FA choices of 3 bikes with 2 melta guns with 1 attack bike with multi melta. This will allow you to get more melta shots and be able to shoot at more targets.

I would swap the lions roar on the libby with a bike, since the libby has more of a support role to play it gives it the manoeuvrability that it needs as you generally will be moving 12", casting prescience then turbo boosting 12" to a unit to use the PFG to better effect, but if you have the points its not a bad 1 shot weapon to have.

Attach the libby on a bike to a ravening squad and keep the 2 attack bikes within 2.5" for the PFG effect scout forward and blow something up whilst have a good chance of surviving due to the PFG in the opponents turn.

I've said before that I don't like using Drop Pods since the squad inside tends to die the next turn but I've made an exception for this list. Also, one of the Tac Squads won't be in their pod. I'm dropping it empty to tie up an objective/screw up enemy movement/force them to waste shots on it.

Since you can only drop 2 pods first turn you might want to swap one drop pod for a rhino to give a squad more manoeuvrability.

Also it might be worth putting combi-plasma / combi-melta on the sergeants for some extra punch and possibly a heavy weapon in the squad that you will combat squad and drop the pod empty.

I like the devastators but i find you have to have 10 man squad to help soak up the wounds as its too many points for 5 marines that could kill them selves, I would consider having 2 whirlwinds instead, they won't kill many MEQ but are just a pain and has the possibility of snipping special weapons out of squads from barrage, also gives you a extra unit to capture objectives.


Librarian - Lvl 2, Powerfield Generator, Bike


Tactical Squad - Plasma Gun, Sgt with Combi-weapon with Drop Pod

Tactical Squad - Plasma Gun, Sgt with Combi-weapon with Rhino & dozer blade

Tactical Squad - Plasma Gun, Plasma Cannon with Drop Pod


Mortis Dreadnought - Two Twin-Linked Autocannons

3rd Company Veterans - 5 Combi-Plasmas, Drop Pod





Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 3 Bikes, 2 Meltaguns, Attack Bike with Multi-Melta

Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 3 Bikes, 2 Meltaguns, Attack Bike with Multi-Melta

Think that comes to 1500pts on the dot, you could consider dropping 2 marines from the TAC squads with out heavy weapon and get a Veteran with combi-weapon to more punch as its the same points:

2 x 8 man TAC squads
7 Veterans with combi-weapons

These are just my thoughts and opinions, as your list could smash my tweaked list :) but let me know what you do and how it goes as its always interesting to see different lists.


07-23-2014, 01:00 AM
Hey man, thanks for the awesome reply!

It's not so much playing with what I own but playing with what I've actually painted :p I've got a huge army but only the Deathwing have been really worked on so I decided to try a Deathwing-less army using the other models I've painted.

But yeah, as far as tactics go, the Veterans are indeed there to drop in and turn an elite unit into goo. Just choose the highest priority target and melt them, whether it be some kind of MC (wish we had grav guns...), some Terminators or some tanks with bad rear armour. I am worried about the survivability of the Landspeeder but as far as the Ravenwing goes, that is where I'm limited with what I own, which sucks. I'll definitely take your advice on the two squads instead of one though, I'll probably drop the Lion's Roar to make up for the extra 2 meltas ( I even save a single point by splitting them up! :p ).

I am tempted to put my Libby on the bike for the PFG benefits but I've had rotten luck with this new objective system in 7th, my opponents tend to keep drawing bonuses for killing characters or Warlords. I'll give it a try though, you make a great point about letting the meltas live long enough to blow something up.

I'll keep in the Devs, purely because I have a soft spot for Plasma devs, but I'll stick 'em in cover to help them live longer. Unfortunately Whirlwinds are still on my "to buy" list :(

Thanks for the advice, it's cool to get pointers from a fellow Dark Angels player! We seem few and far between these days...

Dark Wing
07-23-2014, 04:10 AM
Hi mate,

Sorry for double post, damn you technology :p

Its worth putting the libby on a bike if you can as it gives you a 24" prescience range (12" move + 12" range) then boost in the shooting phase to a near by unit for protection and give squad preferred enemy against chaos (re roll ones :) ) also by putting him on a bike it unlocks ravening command squad which are opts cheaper than normal.

If your splitting the bikes, its worth dropping the Vet with power fist for more bodies in the Devs.

Let me know what list you go with and how it plays as you don't see many full DA list nowadays, mainly allies.

On a side note, I'm starting a death wing army, any advice on a 1500pts list

07-26-2014, 02:50 PM
I've decided to take a lot of your advice and blennd it in with some of the stuff I wanted to keep, like the plasma devs :D put the Libby on a bike (and got rid of the Lion's Roar) and I'm running 2 melta bike squads with melta attack bikes. Also decided to use my remaining points for a couple of bolter dudes to pad out the Dev squad. Good catch on those suggestions, they'll be much better than the single squad with the powerfist (which I dropped)!

As far as Deathwing go, I always take a Land Raider of some sort if possible, no matter the points limit. I don't trust deep striking without teleport homers and you need Belial on the board turn one for that to work so I tend to stick him in a Crusader with his squad (I believe you can measure the teleport homer's range from the hull of the vehicle?), run him up and Deathwing assault in the other guys. I wrote a 1500pt list of what I'd personally use but I couldn't find a way to fit in any AA with the points limit. That said, I've ran this list against flyer spam and the armour held out well enough that you can just ignore the flyers! Also, the Storm Shield dudes are great for tanking shots.

Belial - Thunder Hammer and Storm Shield (190)

Deathwing Terminators - Chainfist, Assault Cannon, 2 TH+SS, Land Raider Crusader (535)

Deathwing Terminators - Chainfist, Assault Cannon, 2 TH+SS (255)

Deathwing Terminators - Chainfist, Cyclone Missile Launcher, 2 TH+SS (265)

Deathwing Terminators - Chainfist, Cyclone Missile Launcher, 2 TH+SS (265)

Apologies for not getting around to replying for a while btw, still hope this was helpful in some way :D