View Full Version : And why not 35k??

Mr Mystery
07-17-2014, 03:15 PM
How do?

Just a quick pondering from yours truly.

Nowadays we have 7th Edition 40k where absolutely anything goes, and we also have Forgeworld's Horus Heresy series.

Both use precisely the same ruleset, but there's a general opinion that the Heresy lists might not be suitable for general 40k play, mostly because the Marines in it can do horrible, horrible things (like 20 Tactical Marines rapid firing with their Bolters, twice in a turn. Say goodbye to your Horde!)

And you know, fair enough.

But, what exactly is stopping a player, in organised permissive play from utilising the odder, more Legion specific units?

Use your chosen armies core book (Marines, Chaos Marines, Space Woof etc), and then add in a unit or two from the Heresy unique to their parent legion.

Why wouldn't you do that? I mean the models are pretty much universally cool, and the background for them equally cool. Take my favourite unit, stylistically speaking, Red Butchers (http://www.forgeworld.co.uk/The_Horus_Heresy/Legiones_Astartes/World_Eaters/WORLD_EATERS_LEGION_RED_BUTCHERS.html). What is not to like about those models and the units background? 'I'm sorry, but you're far too loony a loony. We'll just have to seal you into your armour, and only let you out when it's time to break face'.

Anyone do this? Anyone tried this? Anyone dead against this?

07-17-2014, 04:25 PM
Because the Nova Terra Interregnum is too rad for us to play games in.

07-17-2014, 04:27 PM
I'd be very much in favour of it. The HH army lists are anything but broken. Yeah, they're very different, and have some very powerful stuff in them, but none of them are unbeatable. The Iron Hands are definitely verging towards better than average, and the AdMech stuff can get absolutely crazy, but there's nothing there I'd be scared to face in a game. Not even Horus. I mean, he and the other Primarchs, yeah, they're individually terrifying, but you have to pay for that terror, and you'll never face more than one. I'd rate Ferrus Manus as the scariest, just because he's completely immune to small arms fire. Even then, I wouldn't worry if my opponent brought him. It'd just be another challenge.

Plus, how pretty will the battle look?

Mmmmm... preheresy model goodness.

07-17-2014, 04:57 PM
A lot of the stuff, particularly the vehicles, have already been shoe-horned into 40k by FW anyway- IA2, 2nd Ed has pretty much all of the current HH Space Marine vehicles, although some of the rarest are limited unless you have certain characters (I think a Master of the Forge unlocks them as unlimited, because only he has access to the greatest relics of the armoury). I wouldn't be surprised if some of the infantry stuff finds it's way in as relics too- I see no reason why some suits of Cataphractii Terminator armour would not have survived to the 41st millennium, especially as they are more durable than Indomitus pattern, for example.
For friendly games, I have no problem with it. Although the fluff bunny in me means that I wouldn't want to play certain units because they simply don't exist for some forces in the 41st Millenium, like Ultramarine Dreadclaws. For the odd fun game though, why not?

Not quite sure what happened to Volkite weaponry though- FW seem to have deliberately left it as a Heresy-era weapon, omitting vehicles armed with Volkite weaponry entirely from IA2 (like the Fellglaive). It doesn't seem to be any more complex than plasma though, I would have thought at least a few examples would have survived as relics in some of the more technically minded Chapters like the Salamanders and Iron Hands. Maybe in the future we will start to see FW publications with 40k Heroes with Volkite weapons as ancient relics, that would be cool.

07-18-2014, 02:19 AM
I think it would be much earlier than 35k. Plenty of '40k' fluff is dated between M35 and M41.

Things like the Red Butchers should be in the standard Chaos Space Marine codex anyway. For some reason GW still can't figure out how to make Berserker, Plague and Noise Terminators a thing, and don't seem to understand that everyone wants them, so using the Red Butcher rules is as good a way as any to represent Berserker Terminators.

07-18-2014, 03:29 AM
Two things- first, I understand the "35k" moniker is to indicate a halfway point between the high-tech glory days of the HH stuff and the modern "burnt-out technomystical junk that barely works" way of characterizing 40k, from the books, that haflway point is more around 31k. Read Mechanicum for example; that book pretty much marks the turning point, where everything after is less advanced, not more. The hopes of improving anything further literally die in a fire by the end of the book.

Also, not to conjure up the Ruinous Powers of Whinging, but I kinda don't want to see Cult Terminators in a CSM book; the Cult troops tend to be a bit overpriced for what you get (except maybe Plague Marines), and Chaos Termies are also nearly overpriced for what they do, and the combination does not give me hope that they'll be given a tabletop-friendly points cost.

Mr Mystery
07-18-2014, 03:41 AM
Yeah. 35k was meant to show it being a bit 30k, a bit 40k, rather than an actual specific time period :)

07-18-2014, 03:49 AM
I'd personally have no problem with facing some of the cool toys that the Heresy range can bring. That said, Volkite weaponry sounds badass and I really wish it would find its way into 40K in some form.

I still pray nightly to the Omnissiah that a Mechanicum Codex will be delivered unto us, and then begins a new age of Even More Wallet Pain.

07-18-2014, 06:13 AM
Two things- first, I understand the "35k" moniker is to indicate a halfway point between the high-tech glory days of the HH stuff and the modern "burnt-out technomystical junk that barely works" way of characterizing 40k, from the books, that haflway point is more around 31k. Read Mechanicum for example; that book pretty much marks the turning point, where everything after is less advanced, not more. The hopes of improving anything further literally die in a fire by the end of the book.

Also, not to conjure up the Ruinous Powers of Whinging, but I kinda don't want to see Cult Terminators in a CSM book; the Cult troops tend to be a bit overpriced for what you get (except maybe Plague Marines), and Chaos Termies are also nearly overpriced for what they do, and the combination does not give me hope that they'll be given a tabletop-friendly points cost.

That doesn't mean anything is lost by having them in there. This is also assuming they'll screw up the costs. Certainly it's likely because GW don't write balanced rules, but they could at least be in there.

07-19-2014, 10:48 PM
Down in Erie PA, they have been allowing 30k for about a year now in the monthly tourneys. its about 15-20% of a 15-20 man tourney each month. think there's only been 3 top 4 finishes in a year. At this point we haven't run across anything too ridiculous. I've run my World eaters about 7 times so far. I have a hard time with flyers and too many monstrous creatures, though Kharn with Gorechild can ID a Wraithknight. Satisfying

07-20-2014, 10:31 AM
In response to the OP's question, I don't see any reason why not. Sounds like fun.

Arkhan Land
07-20-2014, 11:26 AM
On the topic of using a detatchment of 30k stuff, I typically assume its not too strange for a chapter to field a small group of ceremonial yet archaicly potent group for the purposes of morale, honor and to venerate the deadly relics of their chapter's past.

On the topic of the 35k world, I always felt like the space in between 30-40k would be an amazing period for more narrativer play. The forces of Terra and Mars searching for STCs, first encounters with nids, an onslaught of milton bradley dreadnoughts from the not yet banished/destroyed dark-forge-worlds. Lotta cool ambiguous time to play around with