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Mr Mystery
07-17-2014, 02:55 PM
Oh yes. Yo bedda believe it beh-bey!

Got a big old game coming up a week on Saturday. Heading round Bloody Enormous Simon's place for a 6 player experience.

A 6 player experience featuring absolutely no less than three, count 'em, THREE Corellian Corvettes! One of the best things? None of us really know what we're doing, so there shouldn't be too much panic over what is best to take them on.

Reckon 200 points per player, and a 6x4 board (needed for manouvering with that many ships!).

Got my core 100 points already sorted, and will be adding a TIE Advanced, two TIE Bombers, and provided I can get them on time, two TIE Defenders. Should leave me plenty of points to buy those rockets, torpedoes and bombs.

Dunno what everyone else is planning on taking, but good lord this should be fun! Reckon my tactics will be to take higher Pilot level fighters, and keep my Bombers at level 1. That way, although I'll be moving last, they ought to be able to loose their missiles or torpedoes at by then unshielded CR-90's, and do some serious damage.

And you better believe there is going to be pics and a report of a type!

White Tiger88
07-18-2014, 02:50 AM
If you need more ships let me know.....God knows i will never play a game -_- (And if i do Tie PHANTOM IS LOVE!!)

07-20-2014, 10:00 AM
Stop holding out on us here!

Mr Mystery
07-20-2014, 10:52 AM
Game in 6 days!

Hoping to add some new ships to the mix too, as I get paid on Wednesday!

07-20-2014, 11:42 AM
Ooohhh, a week from Saturday. You have to make this easier for those of us who can barely read.

07-21-2014, 12:46 AM
That's a huge game! Can't wait for the prospect of playing something that size (I would want to custom make a board at that point {I love you Battlefleet Gothic})

Got my core 100 points already sorted, and will be adding a TIE Advanced, two TIE Bombers, and provided I can get them on time, two TIE Defenders. Should leave me plenty of points to buy those rockets, torpedoes and bombs.

My last game left me wanting another TIE Bomber, 6 hull points and conveniently slower than your interceptors. TIE Defenders come with the Munitions Fail safe card, I don't think I would take a bomber without that card anymore, it's a beauty. I have a TIE Defender but haven't used it yet (Call it the Nid in me but why take one of them when you can take two TIE Fighters). Plus I found having more ships can force larger ships into voiding certain moves to avoid collisions (Run those corvettes off the table!).

07-21-2014, 01:22 AM
The bigger games are great for getting to grips with manuvering in formation. The biggest game we've played is 300 a side. The game was also on a 6x4. Was pretty epic but didn't last as long as I expected. Couple of hours I think. So much firepower reduced the sides pretty quickly. Ultimately we found that the Rebel transport was the deciding factor. Buffing allies and raming smaller ships with impunity.

Lots of fun non the less.